Monday, June 17, 2024

The Ring Ceremony.

Beautiful bouquet created by Hyrum's sister Rue. She truly does have a talent for making bouquets. Since it was a simple wedding we didn't hire a photographer. Everyone in the wedding party was their own photographer and we all captured a few wedding photos but these are my own. It was such a loving ceremony and Bishop Burns words said to them were so personal and kind. I truly felt a wonderful spirit and know that these two are a perfect match! 

Jon's ear to ear smile as he's walking Lexie down the aisle proves all too well that he feels the same. It was a wonderful moment in life. 

Hugs from sisters are the best!

Noah gained a brother. They both did.

The Wedding Party.
Lexie gained two more sisters. 

One of her besties from highs school Owen drove from Brooklyn to join in on the celebration. 

Grandma Sue!

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