Monday, June 17, 2024

The Ring Ceremony.

Beautiful bouquet created by Hyrum's sister Rue. She truly does have a talent for making bouquets. Since it was a simple wedding we didn't hire a photographer. Everyone in the wedding party was their own photographer and we all captured a few wedding photos but these are my own. It was such a loving ceremony and Bishop Burns words said to them were so personal and kind. I truly felt a wonderful spirit and know that these two are a perfect match! 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day 2024!


Happy Fathers Day to our number one! Jon is the absolute best and making all of our kids laugh and feel better after they've had a hard day. I love how he lights up our lives and has the best convos with our kids. Particularly this kid who is the only one left in the house! I love how these two have the geekiest conversations about naruto and everything and anything. He truly is the best dad ever! 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lexie & Hyrum.


By the looks of these photos words don't need to be shared but yes my daughter got married two weeks ago. These were taken by yours truly and I had a fun time doing it. Lexie is not one to take photos and is  a very private person which I don't blame her but she didn't mind me sharing a few pics of her and her beloved Hyrum. These were taken at Sayen Gardens the day before their wedding and although it was a very warm day they were good sports in taking pictures. I still can't believe she's married and I'm so happy these two found each other!