Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Coffee Mugg.

One of the cutest places my sister took me to while in Corpus was a quaint little coffee place called the Coffee Mugg and it is inspired by Harry Potter. I really appreciate the effort this coffee shop put into making it a fun, relaxing place where you can sit and sip on your coffee or hot chocolate. I had to take pictures of it because it's so cute and nostalgic. My entire family are huge Harry Potter fans and being here was a breather and a little get away from our mom while she was at home resting. I highly recommend this place if you're into coffee and even you're not like me it's still a fun joint where you can play chess and just sit and chit chat with your peeps or in this case with my sis.

Friday, August 30, 2024

A Day At The Pool.

I have to admit I felt a little guilty going to the pool after my mom passed away but the weather in Texas was brutal with temps that felt over 100 degrees! Oh how grateful I am for free pools that the city of Corpus Christi provides for everyone. We didn't spend too much time as the water was very warm. It felt like I was taking a warm bath! However, it was nice and I'm glad that we had a little bit of relaxation in the middle of all that was happening such as waiting for my moms ashes, and putting her little apartment in order and so on! This day was good.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Summertime Sadness.

Don't let the smiles fool ya in these photos. This whole summer has been filled with sadness and in all honesty I felt obligated to smile behind the lens. I was worrying to death about my dear mom wondering how much longer she was going to live after I flew back home. Little did I know she would die three days later. I did want to see the ocean before leaving and so my sister took me before I flew out. I call Corpus the "California of Texas" and just love the palm trees. They remind me of my mom when we last took pictures here with her. Bittersweet memories and oh how I do miss her. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Our little trip to NOLA while on our way to see mom hit differently this time around. The fact that we were passing through this city was not to have fun but to remember. I honest didn't even feel like walking down bourbon street or window shop or see art and culture. And I love art! We did go to Lafayette cemetery and walked around. I love the architecture and the above ground tombstones. For some reason I found it gratifying. I was at peace walking around and admiring the family tombs. Maybe it was because we weren't going to bury my mom because she was going to be cremated. Noah also thought the cemeteries here are pretty cool. It sure was a hot day so we got snow-cones afterward. That is one traditional fun thing we did. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

In Memory Of Mom.

It's been almost a month since my mom passed and i have to admit my momentum in blogging has gone downhill. I honestly don't feel like writing but I know that it helps me when I do. Maybe one of these days I will write about what I remember about my mom and write a longer version of this story. We drove back to Texas to settle mom's things our of her apartment as well as go to the funeral home to have my mom cremated. Those were her wishes and although it was a very stressful day finalizing her final wish and everything that goes when a loved one dies we pressed on and got things done. 3/4 of our kids were there for moral support and to provide me, their aunt and uncle with love and hugs. It was bittersweet having them all here. The reason I say that is because mom passed away a week before we all arrived. She wasn't able to see any of the grandkids but at least they got to face-time her while I was there the first time. I was just so happy that Noah, Hyrum, Lexie and Chelsea were there and that we all arrived safely.