Sunday, July 10, 2011

His favorites and loves.

Noah is now 20 months old which means in four months, he'll be two. 

Can you believe it?

I can't! So to remember the things he loves at this time, I've decided to record them.

These are a few of his favorite things: 

His favorite food...corn dogs, and dad's homemade mashed potatoes.
His favorite gummy bears, & raisins.
His favorite fruit...everything! Especially bananas.
His favorite junk food...potatoe chips (in moderation of course.)
His favorite attractions at the park...the slide and swings.
His favorite book...Brown bear, brown bear.
His favorite stuffed animal...his sock monkey (not Icebat.)
His favorite part of the day...morning time.
His favorite cartoon...Curious George.

And things he loves the most:

He loves clothes. 
He loves his sisters.
He loves it when his sisters all play with him.
He loves books.
He loves the zoo.
He loves to dance.
He loves car rides.
He loves coloring (on the walls!)
He loves bugs...and dirt!
He loves water ice.
He loves brushing his teeth.
He loves nursing...still!
He loves his wooby.
He loves attending nursery at church.
He loves his mom and dad.
He loves Jesus.

and last but not least...

He loves smiling and laughing!
This boy has the potential to put a smile on anyone's face!

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