Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reflection on a magical night

Trick or treating last night with the family brought back many peaceful memories. It reminded me of how simple our lives were when my firstborn (who is now 16) was in kindergarten. Life wasn't as stressed. Life didn't seem rushed. Sometimes I wish I can turn back time at least three or five years when living in Utah, and North Carolina seemed so simple. I remember how easy it was for my two oldest daughters to walk to school by themselves in the early morning hours without having to worry about their safety. Times change, we move around, and children grow up. That is something that is inevitable, and out of our control.

Now that we live in New Jersey, it makes me extremely grateful that the girls' bus stop is less than a block away. Sierra will sometimes ride to school with a friend, and Lexie is old enough to walk home with other kids. The short walk is perfect for inclement weather, and I won't have to walk that far in the winter. I am however enjoying this beautiful fall weather, and the afternoon walks with Noah to go pick up Chelsea at her bus stop.

Halloween was fun for everyone last night. Chelsea got off her bus in a hurry, and when she got home she showed me all the treats she got from her party at school. She looked forward to going trick or treating with her sibs. We walked all around the surrounding neighborhoods, and I met other neighbors whom I hadn't met. It is nice to know we have friendly neighbors. This was Noah's official first time experiencing the joys of trick or treating, and he loved every minute of it. He got the idea real quick that holding a pumpkin bucket meant that you get a candy put inside every time you walk up to someone's home. He was so cute, and it sure was fun to see all of our kids enjoying this magical night.

Just for those two hours life didn't seem so rushed, and I didn't want it to end.
Noah...hand in hand with dad enjoying the sounds of crunching leaves.
He learned real quick how to grab a candy, say 'thank you', and run...
  It's always a happy time for me to reflect back on the simplicities of how our life used to be picturing my two oldest when they were little, and how those nights of trick or treating with just the two of them was simply fun.
 Although life may sometimes feel rushed now with four, it's up to me to find a way to bring back that unhurried, peaceful feeling... and to always make Halloween a simply fun, magical night for them.
  I think they were satisfied!

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