Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's leap day &... the last 4 days of february.

It has felt weird to have taken a three day hiatus on blogging, but I felt that I really needed to take a break in doing so. I did manage to get away from the computer, but not my camera. Since I took a few pictures I decided to post a little bit of what has occurred in the past three days...through pictures.

Sunday...Chelsea taught her first family home evening lesson on her own without any help. She gave a lesson on the prophet Noah, and we were very impressed. She taught like an adult...with sassiness, and boldness!
Monday...chilling at home after school. Noah and Chelsea have the tendency to get on any bed of their choosing and just jump on it. Although Sierra doesn't allow it, they managed to get a few jumps on her bed before she told them to get off, and they both cuddled giving each other lots of loves.
And...Chelsea wanted me to take a picture of her showing off her smile...(she lost her second tooth last Friday.)
Tuesday...Noah chilling with dad on his day off playing some games while I managed to finally watch the second season finale of Downton Abbey.
I absolutely loved this season, but there was one part in which made me "dreadfully sad" such as Mr. Bates getting sent to prison for life. I'm glad that he and Anna got married before that dreadful sentence.  
  I was extremely pleased with the ending though when Mary and Matthew finally get together! She's even developed a soft side to her! I look forward to next season, and I'm definitely buying this series!
Wet Wednesday...So far today I have allowed Noah to eat oatmeal on my soon to be reupholstered rocking chair. This won't be happening once it's reupholstered so enjoy it while it lasts buddy! He is now watching Shark tale while I blog, and then soon it'll be nap time. Perfect weather for it since it's raining outside, and it should be for the rest of the day!
I can't believe how fast this month has gone. Even through having the small trial of not having a vehicle at the moment- this month hasn't been too bad. It shouldn't be because this is my LOVE month, and my family & I sure have received lots of it during this time! 

I can't believe that we've had a mild winter thus far. Although I love snow I am crossing my fingers that we don't have any snow days. One thing for sure is...I am so looking forward to spring!

March 20th can't come soon enough!

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