Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a New Year!

Resolutions, a do-over, another chance to make it right. How fortunate we are as a people to be able to start anew. Sometimes starting a new year filled with promises, goals, and accomplishments can be exciting, yet tiresome at the same time. Each year there are things that I'd like to accomplish & finish. Things that I wasn't able to resolve that didn't survive throughout the year. But I don't want to rehash the bad or the ugly...just the good. 

And for the year 2014 I pray that it'll be awesome! 

This year I want to lose myself in the scriptures as if I'm living in biblical & mormon times. I want to have more one on one dates with each of my kids (which I already started late last year.) I want to actually finish a series of books & not have it take me six months to finish a simple series! In other words...I want to be like my daughter Lexie who can read books as if they are becoming obsolete. I want that "sometimes" mean mom in me to have a softer streak, and quit using the fact that I'm latina as an excuse for nagging on my kids when they do something so petty. 

Stress less, & have yoga become a lifestyle...not something that's seasonal. 

I want to read more to Noah & have less technology time. I want to utilize my journals & start a rough draft of my life in hopes that someday it'll be published for anyone to read. I want to be better at budgeting & cook more for my family. I want to find the time to text & email less. Call my friends & family more. I swear each year technology keeps growing & is getting better with time. I have gotten better at calling & hope that it'll be reciprocal with my friends & that they will do the same. Sometimes you just need to hear a friendly & familiar voice.  

Seriously learn an instrument. My kids are learning more than one including little Noah, and I'm learning nothing! Sad I know. 

I have a love/hate relationship with New Jersey & want to strive to look for all that is good about the Garden state. 

I believe that it's possible to accomplish such goals. I believe it because there were a few of them that I have accomplished in my past years. 

It can be done & reading this thought from the spoken word gives me hope. Hope that with time resolutions can be accomplished. And even though some of us may say that living each day to the fullest is can be possible. I want to strive to live each day as if it were our last. That we can orient ourselves & be that bonafide person we know to be. Our loved ones come and go. Friends and family will come and visit from time to time. And we don't know when we're going to see them next. So I want to take advantage of my cell phone to call...not surf the net. To call a loved one every Sunday. It's possible if we just snap out of whatever keeps us from doing so, and just do it. 

Just do it.

"Resolutions are promises to ourselves. 
Unfortunately, sometimes even our most heartfelt resolutions go unfulfilled. 
But this need not be so. 
Maybe we just need a little more patience."
~Lloyd D. Newell

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