Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thankful For The Gospel, The Savior, & The Christmas Season.

Thanksgiving is the beginning of expressing gratitude for what's important in our lives, and with the Christmas season upon us my main goal is to focus on the Savior, and his example. I have two small children who still believe in Santa Claus, and I don't want to take that away from them until they are old enough to know that we were behind the gift giving. Thing is we have taught our children that although gifts are fun to receive it's better to give, and to think of those who are less fortunate. Ever since my mother in law gifted me this book reading it to our two oldest girls when they were little taught them to believe, and know that Santa is very similar to Jesus. If you read the book you'll see it in the pictures that it's so true. So far my 10 year old gets the gist of it. Noah, who's barely six, is beginning to take in the whole Santa comes on Christmas eve to deliver presents, but we are teaching him that the  real reason for the season is to focus on the baby Jesus. He also believes Santa is real. I Believe In Santa Claus has become a perfect tradition to read this to my younger children, and to advise my older daughters to pass it on when it is their time to have their own family. 

I am extremely grateful for the teachings of this gospel that has given me the capacity to love unconditionally, and accept everyone no matter who they are. It has taught me to serve, and to always strive to be like the Savior. I'll never reach perfection, but knowing that I have the man upstairs looking down on me rooting for me to do better brings me peace. I know this because I believe. His example of strength helps me to let the little trials in my life that seem big, look small, and always focusing on the positive side of things makes life so much easier, and I am thankful. All together my family is my rock, and my children are the glue that keep me going. Their example of tolerance, and strength especially when they go through a trial (and believe me they have gone through some pretty hefty ones) helps me see that if they can survive anything harsh in this day and age... I can too.

Because of him I am able to live with my family forever. Because of Him I have the capacity to love, and serve. Because of Him I have the ability to strengthen my weaknesses, and receive divine inspiration. Because of Him we are fortunate enough to share the gift with everyone. Because of Him I am who I am, and have a choice to continue to do the best I can each day to live. 

So thankful for November, and for the season of gratitude, and looking forward to December which is the season of giving. 

And because my sweet oldest daughter who isn't pictured is coming home for a visit! 

View this for Spiritual enlightenment as well as going to for more inspiring messages of Christmas! 

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