Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I Love Summer Even When It's Soooooo Hot!

I have never sweated so much in my entire life. Okay...except maybe when I lived in Texas, but I was younger then and could handle such humidity. Nowadays it seems to suck the life out of me, but luckily the kids keep me young at heart, and when you have your six year old telling you to get wet with him whether it's at a splash pad, the beach, or your own backyard you better believe I'm going to jump in, and have a little fun. Except lately I've been too hot, and so for the past few fun outings we've had the kids have pretty much been on their own! 
The days have been in the 90's, but man does it feel like it's 105 degrees! The past couple of days haven't been too humid, but it's still sooooooo hot! It also doesn't help that the house that we moved into (not bought) has no central air. We were totally spoiled in our old house, and past apartments that had central air. This is the first home we have ever been in that has no central air where we actually had to fork out some dough and buy window a/c units. That's fine by me, and as much as I adore this quaint, old 18th century home I'm still getting used to the fact that the upstairs is a lot bigger than the old house. I'm very simple when it comes to living, and I don't need so much space (getting used to a small kitchen again) because I don't believe in hoarding or hauling a lot of stuff (thanks to my momma). Although I like to have nice things for the home, I've long since realized that the bare necessities are all that we need in this life. In all honesty, I'd rather live in a modest home that doesn't require remodeling, and have my money spent on family vacations, road trips, and things that the kids need. 

I love that my time, and money are spent doing things that the kids love. I have discovered a few splash pads in our area that are free, and some that are 5 bucks to get in. Belmar beach is a nice beach and as long as the kids stay under the age of 17 they are free to get in, and I don't mind the 8 bucks that I spend to go. I feel so lucky to live in a place where places for the most part are pretty convenient. When you've lived in places where you had to drive, 16, 10, or even three hours to a beach you better believe that driving 45 minutes to the shore is nothing! The 45 minute drive to NYC compared to a flying across the country is a piece of cake. I think that's why we love that city so much because we always used to fly in the past. Now we can take the express train into grand central, or just drive. 

I love summer even when it's super hot. I think that if you have enough water when you go out, and a cool house (thank goodness for window units) to come home to the heat can somewhat be tolerable. I know that the heat waves are worse in other states, and I count my blessings for the  little things that keep us cool such as simple splash pads, and slurpees from 7-11! 
This photo was taken on the 11th of July, and you can see how sweaty Noah is. This kid sweats way too much. He's a jersey boy through and through and only knows what the july sun feels like in the northeast, and not in the south! 

Can't believe July is almost over, and that it'll be one month of living in our "old" new place. I'm not one to boast about my house, or take pictures on how I decorate my home, or whatever, and maybe someday I will. We only plan on staying in this house until Lexie graduates high school which is in two years! Yikes! We love this area, and who knows what Jon's job at UPS has in store for us in the next two years, but we always manage to make the best of our life wherever we live. 

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