Monday, August 8, 2016

Finding Joy In All Things.

Our desire to attend the temple is quite frequent, and even though the Philadelphia temple is complete, and ready for the open house, I can't wait another month for it to be dedicated so we can go inside and do some work. So this past weekend we all literally jumped in the car, and headed to D.C. to attend the temple. 

This move has been pretty rough for me, but I manage to adjust, and find joy in all things. The house, the area, and our new congregation. Attending the temple often is what keeps me going, and sane when things become to hard to manage. It truly is a wonderful place that brings me peace, and joy. It helps me to forget about all the negativity that's going on in the world, and helps me to find joy in every tough situation.
My family is my rock, and the resilient spirits that the kids bring to my heart helps me to adjust even better. What an amazing place to go to prepare ourselves more spiritually so that each day can be lived fully with the surety that I can leave telling myself, "I'm stronger, but know that I can always work on my weaknesses, because I have the Lord on my side at all times, and in all places!" To always "have joy in mothering" regardless of the drama they may bring. I can't even imagine my life had I not had them, and attending the temple is one way of expressing my gratitude and love to our Heavenly Father for giving me such a life. 

Especially a life that I can handle. 

And re-reading this post I wrote three years ago is a reminder to help me handle it even more! 

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