Thursday, June 21, 2018

Lexie's Graduating Class of 2018.

As the music began to soar with all the graduates walking down the field my eyes began to water. I held in my tears because I didn't want to ruin my makeup plus it was too early in the ceremony to be crying. My oldest daughter turned to look at me, and with a smile I said to her, "I'm going to be a huge mess when Chelsea and Noah graduate.These kids are my joy, and it's moments like this that make my world go round, and motherhood rock in full circle.

Brace yourselves with a ton of photos with her peeps. This is for her posterity, and mine. 

These past four years definitely flew by quick, and I am so happy that Lexie had a good two years at Highland Regional, and the BEST two years in Robbinsville High. 
I am grateful for all the friendships she made in the two years here at RHS, and happy that she had the time of her life last night by making memories with all these kids. 
Especially grateful that I had my in-laws, and her crazy sister Sierra flew in from Utah on a red eye! 
The friends she made here really made a huge impression on me, and there is no doubt in my mind that they are all going to do amazing things. Here she is pictured with the valedictorian of her class who graduated with a 4.6 GPA! A lot of proud parents out there! 
Jaden who has become like family to Lexie has grown to love us all. Especially Noah and Chelsea. Since he only has one brother who is now a junior in high school he finds joy in hanging out with Noah. It makes him feel like having a little brother again, and Chelsea like a sister.
Although hot and humid I am grateful that the ceremony took place outside. Had it rained it would have been indoors, and only two people would have been allowed to go in. So happy we all got see Lexie walk across the stage! We noticed her from afar cause of her rose glittered graduation cap.  

Extremely proud of our graduate. I know that the next five years are going to fly, and then it'll be Chelsea's turn! Time needs to seriously slow down! 

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