Thursday, March 10, 2011

Runny Noses and a Rainy Day

"It is a lot harder to keep people well than it is to just get them over a sickness." 
~DeForest Clinton Jarvis
Yesterday Noah was not an agreeable child. He had a fever and major sniffles. His discomfort continued all night long up until the predawn hours. I felt so bad for my little guy. This was the first time in 16 months where he had back to back fevers, and lots of snot coming out his nose. His nose was so plugged up, I had to use this again to suction out all the snot. My husband gave him a blessing and he finally slept just before he left for early morning seminary. I don't like taking pictures of him looking all glum and miserable...but I did.

Today we woke up to 100% precipitation. Chelsea also woke up with a sore throat and runny nose. We gave her some medicine and she felt better afterwards. This rainy weather doesn't help us get any better. We cancelled piano lessons and stayed indoors. Chelsea began to feel better and so she wanted to sit on my bed and read a book to Noah.
I think reading gave them a spiritual boost!!

A few hours later...Noah began to feel energetic. He still had a little bit of snot, but the fever subsided. I count my blessings that my children hardly ever get sick. I'm grateful to have the patience to care for them when they don't feel well, and to have two self sufficient daughters to come to my rescue. 

 My heroes Sierra and Alexandra!


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