Thursday, January 24, 2013

25 degrees

What do you do when your little one can only tolerate ten minutes of being outside in 25 degree weather?

Luckily for Noah he has a mind of his own, and can entertain himself for a long period of time playing with his planes, trains, cars, and dancing to the beat of the song from Dinosaur train on PBS...until he gets hungry.

We are going on our third day of having 20 degree temperatures, and for once I'm actually going to admit that I am freezing! I thought I experienced cold while living in Utah in the past, but when you have 20 degree temps without any snow on the ground it's unbearably cold! Having snow on the ground is like insulation, and we are lacking that at this moment! 

I'm not one to be cooped up in the house all day, but for the past couple of days I think I'll choose vegging on the couch cuddled with my boy, doing more laundry, catching up on some scrap booking, making some fudge, spending time on pinterest, and watching season three of Downton Abbey...again, over venturing outdoors.

When we came home from having lunch the other day with my hubby I wanted to go for a little walk with Noah. The sun was out so I figured it wouldn't be too bad. 


Although I was dressed in layers I was still cold, and poor little Noah's ears, nose, and cheeks began to turn red.

I was holding him close to me, and we began to give each other eskimo kisses. I told him I wanted to take a picture giving each other kisses, and it was so cute! My boy knows its picture time when he sees mommy taking out her iPhone. He was such a good sport when I took this picture, and then he began pointing to go back to the house because he was getting cold!
This little boy is just growing up too fast, and I am grateful for these cold winter days that gives us more bonding time indoors. The sun is out again, and we are going to try to do this again tomorrow! 

If he wants to go back inside the house to make more messes with his toys, and turn up the tv loud enough so that he can hear the beat of his small feet dancing to Dinosaur train, that's okay too! 

We are still bonding!

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