Monday, June 15, 2015


When it gets close to summertime one of our favorite things to do is go to an orchard to pick some fruit! We have always picked cherries, and peaches in the past, but on this day we decided to pick strawberries! This was also the last weekend where strawberries are in season so we took advantage and ventured out to Lee Turkey Farm. One thing I love about this farm is that all the trees are aligned, and it is the ideal ochard. It's like a grocery store without the roof! 

Lee Turkey Farm has become one of our favorite farms, (and's not because it's owned by people of our faith.) This farm has been around since 1868 and Ronnie is a sixth generation member. I love how warm, and friendly the staff is here, and his wife is just the sweetest lady. She was so kind as to take a picture of my family, and next time we go I'm going to make sure she gets in the picture too! 
In spite of the scorching heat the kids had fun picking, and pulling. If you're wondering why Noah is wearing binoculars it's because he wanted to "investigate the seeds", and to make sure the strawberries were ripe! After a awhile he took them off, and I began capturing some shots.
The kids were getting giddy knowing that their picking skills were getting better by the minute. Chelsea was independent going to town picking super ripe strawberries.
I helped Noah pick a few, but I have to admit that Jon was the one going to town picking some good ones with him. 
We ended up leaving with three small cartons, and in the end chowed down on a few. 
No matter how hot it is I have to say that summer time has become one of my favorite seasons. After enduring a brutal winter I feel as if the sun is not my best friend right now, but that's okay. I have to get used to the heat again. Nonetheless we had a great time, and look forward to picking the light yellow cherries in a couple of weeks. 
Strawberry fields forever. 

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