Friday, June 19, 2015


In the past 20 years life as a married couple has never been easy. Unless you count the time we dated, and the two years I knew you before we got married then that's different. Because in those days, life seemed easier. But in between the hiccups, the tears, the fighting, the massive yelling, the disagreements, and almost breaking up we, together with God on our side, and the faith that we have we managed to survive, stayed together, and in the end relied on each other like never before. 

Times have changed since we've moved to the east. Times have changed since we had our son. Times have changed since our oldest daughter graduated from high school. Times are a changing every day, and there is nothing we can do about that, but to continue to make our life better, and marriage stronger. To be a good example of what it's like to be a married couple, a wife, a husband, a mother, and a father to our children. And with all that change, we've changed. And all we can do from here on out is do the best we can with our ourselves, our kids, and always remember our purpose in this life, and who we are. 

And i always pray it's for the better.

I may not show it enough, but you mean the world to me. The times I've gotten after for you for not picking up your dirty clothes from the floor (that's my fault because I usually have the hamper in the basement due to endless laundry), the way you snort when you laugh, when you don't put the toilet seat down (which is very rare) are things that are petty such as leaving your contact solution out because that can easily be put away are things I shouldn't fret over too much, for one day I will miss them. Human nature causes me to react in such a way, and what I should be acknowledging are the times you cook for me, take the trash out for me, take the recycling bin out, drive our daughter to seminary at 5:30am every morning (thank goodness that's over), the way you serve others, and most of hard you work at your job. 

You are my 'hard working' blue collar husband and I've never been more proud. 

You do what you have to do in order for the kids and I to survive. You work hard. You don't mind getting your hands dirty. When you lost your job two years ago you prayed your heart out for another. And you were blessed. But when ends became tough for us to meet with that job, you prayed even harder for an even better job. And once again, your prayer was answered in a heartbeat. 

That's when you got on board with the brown (UPS.)

You never say no to us when we feel the need to "get away" even if it's going for a drive around south jersey. You never say no when the kids want to go to the park even on a Saturday after you've driven for a few hours with work. You never grow weary of reading them a bedtime story almost every night especially when you've had a long day at work! You always want their tiny hearts to be happy. You always want us to be happy, and fulfilled. You are nice to everyone including those who disrespect you, or flip you off on the freeway due to their indiscretion in driving. 

Know that I believe you are the most precious, and unique gift the Lord has blessed me with. Know that I appreciate everything that you do to provide for me, and our children.

And most of all...know that even though I may be expressing more frustration than affection...that I do, and will always love you. 

And that will never change.

Thank you for being you, thank you for being a hard worker, and for never giving up on us. 

Happy Father's Day my love

And to all the father's out there too...have a wonderful weekend

Make it great! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Babe, I should be the one that is happy that you chose me to be your companion for all Time and Eternity.... I love you and will do anything for you....Love Ya...
