Having the LDS missionaries in my life is vital to my well-being. I love being around them, and the spirit that they carry. The fact that sister missionaries taught me about Christ's love, and eternal life 23 years ago, makes me love, and appreciate them even more. Every six weeks we have missionaries come, and go in our area. Some stay for months at a time, and some transfer way too soon. Luckily for us, we were able to have Sister Jensen serve in our ward for six months!! That was a great length of time that flew by way too quick! We have had Sister Nutting, her companion for a few months now, and we've grown closer to her as well! I tell ya, the more you have the missionaries over your home, and take them out on their p-day the more you love, and want them in your life! Having breakfast with the sisters this past Monday was a great beginning to my day! Their spirit rubs off on me so strong, and urges me to want to share the gospel even more, and never forget my conversion. I love every single missionary that comes into our ward, and have always tried to welcome them with open arms. No matter what state or country their from, or their culture, I always strive to make the time to welcome them in my home, and do my best to fellowship them. They are thousands of miles away from their families, and I know exactly how it feels to be away from family. The only difference is I'm 20 plus years older, and am able to talk to my family whereas they are only allowed to make a few phone calls throughout their 18 months of service, email once a week, and write letters. Since I now have a daughter who will soon be serving in the Philippines it is my hope that the families in the church out there will help her feel welcomed, and loved. From what I heard about the Filipino people is that they are the most kindest, and humbling folk out there so I'm not worrying at all!

Sister Jensen reminded me so much of my own daughter with her bubbly personality and all. She was always so willing to participate with the members, and teach in Relief Society. Such a great example of missionary work. I love that she got along so well with Sister Nutting, and can tell that it was real. There truly was a genuine companionship there, and that they treated each other as Christ would treat others. Although Sister Jensen will be missed we look forward to meeting new sisters, and hope that they will feel of our love, and support. I sure do love these girls, and try my best to make them feel at home. My son has grown to love them, and every time they come over our house he always wants to talk their ear off, and tell them about his day, toys, and school. It's too cute! He knows that they carry something special with them that will brighten anyone's day.
And when they come inside our home, they always brighten ours!
To know more about the missionaries you can log onto lds.org , and for a free book of mormon you can go here to request one! Or, you can always contact me, and I can send you a free copy!
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