Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Favorite Quotes From General Conference-Spring 2017.

If y'all follow my instagram, or twitter y'all may have seen some of the quotes that i posted which really caught my attention during this season of general conference. As much as I would love to just sit, and listen I can't help but to put pen to paper, or type notes on my phone about my thoughts, and feelings as to how I am taking these words of a prophet, and his leaders in my heart, mind, and soul. 

We had the whole chapel practically to ourselves last Saturday and Sunday morning. It was nice to be alone along with the elder, and sister missionaries. It is also nice to see my girls, particularly Lexie take a huge interest in watching her listen with intent, and writing down about what she was listening to. 
Sure it can be distracting when you bring a little one to the chapel especially when they have to sit for two hours, but i'll tell ya, those printable conference packets from pinterest, snacks, and crayola products with drawing paper sure does the trick! 

There has been so much on my mind in regards to my personal life in which I wasn't really seeking answers to, but mostly finding peace and understanding in my current situation. And what I received over the weekend along with tears mixed in with fervent prayer was the answer to this particular issue which is out of my control to handle, or be a part of. My heart is so full, and yes, I have a very big heart with a lot of feeling to fill towards all kinds of people. And I know that Heavenly Father knows me, and my feelings, and that He wants nothing but happiness for all of us. Regardless of the situation. 
I want my children to be accepting of everyone regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, and color. I don't want them to be judgmental. I don't want them to think that they are above anyone else. I don't want them to take the gospel of the Lord for granted. I don't want them to be afraid of the world, or themselves because with Christ all things are possible. 
I want them to know that they are loved by a Heavenly Father who really knows who they are. I want them to take their temple covenants seriously when the time comes for them to enter the holy house of the Lord. And to find an honorable priesthood holder who will respect, and honor those covenants seriously. 
So many wonderful words of wisdom, and hope were given during these sessions, and as a mother I pray that i will be able to continue to raise the ones that are still in my nest with kind words, and actions. Great things that they will mimic, and say, "i took after my mom, and I'm proud of it!"
I love conference weekend. It literally is the best part of spring, and I pray that these words that were spoken will carry me through in the most difficult of times! What a strengthening, and fulfilling weekend it was! 

Happy Wednesday! 

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