Friday, February 28, 2025

Moulin Rouge On Valentine's Weekend!


Here we are on the last day of February and I'm glad! I can tell spring is upon us and I am so excited for it! Valentines day this month was the best and I'm so happy that I spent it on broadway watching Moulin Rouge with my love. It was amazing and everything about the show was exquisite. The costumes, the set, and the scraps of songs that were sung were awesome! The show was very similar to the movie with Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. I would see both again and again. Loved every minute of valentines weekend and hope that y'all had a nice long February! 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Our Town On Broadway.

So ironic we saw this play the day before the L.A. fires started. Thornton Wilder's OUR TOWN n on Broadway was beautiful and it was so fitting with what had happened that week. It totally made me realize how fleeting and precious life is. To never take people or life for granted. To take care of each other as a community the way that L.A. did with all the essential workers and volunteers helping out. I read so many stories where people were so giving as to donating their time, money, and items for those who lost everything! So many people lost their homes and the photos I saw online looked like something our of an  apocalypse movie! I'm sure there were a lot of bittersweet moments for those people who lost so much and I'm so grateful to have seen this show before it closed. It was a huge reminder for me to appreciate all that we have and to be there for those no matter who they are or where they come from. 

**I also have to add that Jim Parsons did a magnificent job in his role. It was a pleasure to have met him after the show too...

Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Love Letter To The Jersey Shore...

Dear Jersey Shore, 

You certainly keep our family sane during the winter months and I'm so happy we are still here. To hear the waves crashing while standing or walking along the shore is a blessing for our mental health. For my mental health. You know how to deliver the sounds of the beach. Walking on the sand is a soft reminder that life is good. A sign that spring is not too far off. I love the sounds of the seagulls when it's quiet. I love it when you're empty and only a single soul is on the beach with us playing with their dog. Oh how I love that. 

I love how you put smiles on Jon and Noah's face. After a long week of work and school you are what relaxes them. And I am grateful for that! No matter how cold it is we love coming to hear you. To see you. To take in your sound. You take away our worries and give us hope that life goes on. That no matter what is going on in this world with all the changes that are happening that we can make our life beautiful. You are the closest thing to God. And because of you- we are still here. You can see it through these photos that you are so appreciated and loved!  


Wednesday, January 29, 2025


On January 21st, we woke ups to 7 degree temps and for that entire week we had the most frigid temperatures since 2014!! It hasn't snowed or been cold in almost 10 years and I wasn't here for it! I stayed indoors and the only reason I went out is to take Noah to and from school and that's it! As I get older I'm not big on cold weather except when I'm having a hot flash. (that's the only time I'll thank menopause) but it is nice to see the first snow of the season fall onto the ground. I do miss those days when my kids were were little when we'd go out and play in the snow. Noah does have a soft spot for winter still and even though we don't ski or snowboard he does like the snow. I personally would love to have learned to ski but at my age I'm afraid I'll twist an ankle with how my joints are. Not that I'm old but man did I feel stiff during that frigid cold week we had! 

Friday, January 24, 2025

20 & 25 IN 2025!!

All is have to say is that time flies and now all my girls are in their 20's!!! It's hard to believe that my baby girl turned 20 last week and Lexie turned 25! It's surreal and I'm so happy they are both living in the same town going to the same school and living a good life. They surely are surviving the things of the world that is thrown at them in todays generation! I pray for them everyday and wish them a wonderful semester in school this year! This will be Lexie's final semester and then she will graduate this spring!! Can't wait! Happy birthday to my two beautiful girls!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Day I Took The Tree Down.

The day Chelsea flew back to Utah was the day I took the tree down and I wasn't even sad. I have to say I was relieved and glad that I made it through my first Christmas without my mom. I was glad to have taken  the tree out on New Years day. The branches were starting to snap in half anyway and there were so many pine needles on the floor. I was ready to get rid of it but sad that my daughter left. It's bittersweet you know. I know with time it'll get easier but I will always miss my mom during the holidays. I will always be 50 percent sad and 50 percent happy until the day I die. I am grateful that in spite of my feelings of not caring to put up a tree that I did. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Romeo & Juliet On Broadway!

Romeo and Juliet for Chelsea's Christmas/birthday that is coming up in 14 days! She was sooooo excited that I got tickets for us to see this. It was riveting and beautiful and oh my gosh I could watch it again. It ends in February after valentines day so if you're in the city go see it! After the show we walked around Times Square and walked through the holiday village where we found a shop that sold ate 30 dollars worth of tongula. This candy coated fruit was delish! It began to snow a bit and the flurries were falling so gently. We walked toward radio city and captured pics in front of these huge iconic red ornaments! Christmas time in the city never gets old and walking to see all the ornaments on this side of Manhattan is always the best!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025