Friday, October 11, 2024

Arthur Ashe Day At The U.S. Open!

Here we are in the middle of the October and although I am enjoying the cooler weather there are days when I miss summer. Particularly because of the U.S. open. It's only here for a short time. Two weeks is never enough to see our favorite players play but we did get to take Noah on Arthur Ashe day. We've been coming here for years since he was about seven and you're never to old to go. We love all the freebies they give. We had such a great time sitting in the stadium watching dude perfect and the legendary Andre Agassi. It was so much fun and a perfect sunny day for it. Last year we got rained on and the crowds were minimal. This year it was super crowded! We had such a fun time and look forward to taking Noah to see a game next year. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Moments to Live For.

It's been over a little two months since my mom passed away and the one thing I will always remember are the happy moments I shared when we were all together. So grateful that 3/4 of my kids made it to our little gathering and that they were able to help us get through the grief. So thankful for them and for my brother and sister who held it together through this stressful time. We are all built differently when it comes to handling stress and grief and believe me, I'm not that strong and when I'm not it's God's turn. Inside I'm literally screaming but on the outside I'm keeping it sane. I made the choice to do so for the sake of myself and my family. I love the time we all spent together and these will be the moments I will remember the most. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

It's October!

And just like's October. 

It's been a pretty busy first week of October hence not blogging but alas I'm here and am welcoming October with open arms. I love all the "ember" months and look forward to cooler temps, the smell of pumpkin spice, and of course Halloween. Noah is on the fence about dressing up this year and it makes me sad that those years of trick or treating are gone but hopefully he will be in the mood to dress up. I mentioned to him "it's free candy" and he still hasn't budged. I won't force him but it's on October 7th so there's still hope! 

At least he'll still let me take his picture on decorated stoops in the city! And this one on the upper east side is absolutely gorgeous! 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Remembering 9/11

Here we are on the last day of September and want to close the month with a little post in regards to 9/11. 23 years later and it's still gut wrenching to see these tribute lights. We have been going every year since moving to Jersey and every year I become more and more emotional. I blame it on getting older. I blame it on living so close to the city and how life is indeed very short-especially these days. It's bittersweet looking forward to this day as it falls on my birthday month. Paying tribute to those who lost their lives is my priority when the month begins. Sure I look forward to my special day and in doing fun things but what I love the most is remembering. Remembering 9/11 with my family. Remembering the first time I fell in love with New York city when we went for the first time in the year 2000. Remembering the first time we entered those twin towers with my then little family of four. Remembering all those who lost their lives and although it is painful for thousands of families it is also beautiful knowing that they will never be forgotten with these tribute lights. Even in death- this world can truly be beautiful if we view like that. So let us never forget and always remember this day and to continue to teach our posterity all about what happened in one of our favorite cites back on September 11, 2001. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Apple Picking On My Birthday!


Apple picking has been a tradition since Noah was a toddler and so we snuck in some fall fun on my birthday this past week and went to the orchard! Noah was a good sport and with Jon working wanted to make my day fun and so we decided to go apple picking. It was the sweetest most simplest gift and I of course turned it into a mini photo shoot. I love taking pictures and capturing the moments especially with this kid. He's growing up way too fast and so far he has made the time to come with me on little dates. They say that between the ages of 14-18 life gets busy with kids and I have to say that so far it hasn't gotten that way....yet! Noah doesn't pack his schedule with a lot of extra curricular activities and I don't have in multiple sports. He just started high school so I'm hoping that he will learn to find a balance in case he gets even busier as he grows older. I'm sure he will but hopefully the lessons I've taught him about how important sleep, time, and family are that he will make those a priority. The overcast day made it a perfect day to go. I'm so grateful for these moments and hope that we will continue to go on little outings like this as long as he is living under our roof! 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Beach Therapy.

Going to the beach is all kinds of therapy especially when you need to be reminded of how beautiful life can be. It's up to us to choose joy and I choose to be happy. Losing my momma hasn't been the easiest but I'll tell you that it can be a bit tolerable knowing that she is in a better place. I know that she is watching over me in hopes that I know that she's okay. The beach was her favorite and coming here gave me the reassurance that she is. That she is with loved ones catching up and enjoying each others company. I am so grateful for that feeling of peace and although I have days where I break down I know that it'll pass and that I will repeatedly remember her death but also celebrate it in a way where it can be positive and beautiful. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sunday Brunch.

Earlier this month we ventured out to the outskirts of Philly and explored Life's Patina Mercantile and & Cafe and it is the cutest shop. We went there for brunch and I had the keesh and Jon and Noah had the pork sandwich. It was delicious and the poppy seed cake was rich and mouth watering. I feel that my sweet tooth is diminishing. I've never had one to begin with but being that it's my birthday month splurged and ate some. I also love their home decor and they have funny birthday cards and fresh flowers. It was a beautiful spot and being away from the city was soothing. I love venturing out in the country every now and then. I love the city but sometimes you just need to getaway. Especially this time of year when the leaves are beginning to change.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I Choose Joy.

Don’t let the smiles fool you behind these
photos. Yesterday was my 53rd Birthday and in all honesty it was a pretty hard day. A day of off and on crying-waiting for my mom's yearly phone call to hear her voice on the phone uttering those two words “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Asking me “How is your day going?” “Are you doing anything fun today?” Yada yada yada.

Well, I am lucky and I am thankful that I have done fun things during my birthday month, but it’s still hard. The only difference is…is that I choose JOY. I choose JOY to make my days fulfilled and worth living. And that makes a huge difference when a loved one is no longer with you. Especially when it's your momma.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Chicago The Musical!

This past weekend we celebrated by 53rd birthday a little early and all I wanted was to go to the city to catch a broadway show and eat at one of my favorite overrated restaurants with my favorite photo booth! It has become tradition to see a show and since my birthday is on a weekday celebrated this past Saturday. After being on broadway for so many years we finally saw Chicago and it was so good. I was bummed that Alyssa Milano wasn't performing that day due to a stomach virus but hope to see her perform in it before her last performance on November 10th. It was a simple and fun evening. The weather was perfect and it always feels great to be back in my city but at times am grateful to have the opportunity to have both worlds. Living outside the city is a blessing at times because of the hustle but my love for New York will NEVER go away. No matter how noisy it gets I will always come back to her. Anyway, after the show we ate at the smith where I Jon had the yummiest burger and I had pasta with hot fudge brownie sundae for dessert. It was a perfect celebration and so thankful to have a hubby who makes me feel good inside and out! Okay I hope that didn't sound kinky! Y'all know what I mean!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Road Trip to Harmony, Pennsylvania.

On the last day of August we drove to Harmony Pennsylvania where we took in the peace and quiet that nature in the outskirts of Philly has to bring. It definitely felt like fall as we walked and stood looking at the Susquehanna river. Noah and Jon were having too much fun throwing rocks in the water while I gazed and took in all of the greenery surrounding the river. I love it here. It's so peaceful and the perfect getaway to escape the hustle and bustle of all the noise that we are surrounded with. Especially at this time with my mind still in disbelief that my momma is gone. I am doing much better now and know that my mom would want me to enjoy myself and to continue to do the things that she wasn't able to see or do. It's nice to go to places like this where I can stop and pause to think and clear my mind of all the noise in this world. Jon and Noah have been great at making me feel at ease and to remind me that life goes on.

Visiting the priesthood restoration site for the third time is always nice but this time my focus was on my myself and to take in the moments of the quiet. It is a great place to remind me of why I believe in God and in how the book of mormon came about. I will forever be grateful for the peace that it gives me when I am in  possession of it. This area has so much history and is a beautiful place to just walk and enjoy the fall season that is now upon us! 

More photos below...

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Coffee Mugg.

One of the cutest places my sister took me to while in Corpus was a quaint little coffee place called the Coffee Mugg and it is inspired by Harry Potter. I really appreciate the effort this coffee shop put into making it a fun, relaxing place where you can sit and sip on your coffee or hot chocolate. I had to take pictures of it because it's so cute and nostalgic. My entire family are huge Harry Potter fans and being here was a breather and a little get away from our mom while she was at home resting. I highly recommend this place if you're into coffee and even you're not like me it's still a fun joint where you can play chess and just sit and chit chat with your peeps or in this case with my sis.