Saturday, October 19, 2013

blessings of a daughter.

Sometimes I wonder how life would be like if I didn't have another teenager left in the house to help me out both physically, and mentally. 

With Sierra off at college it has been a tremendous blessing to have Lexie by my side not only to help me clean the house, and watch the kids while i go out and run errands...but to talk to. 

She is there for us when me and her pa are in desperate need of a date night because seriously...don't we need those to keep our marriage strong, and young (wink, wink.) If you read this post you'll be happy for me that I have her.

Lexie is as awesome as they come. In many ways she is a lot like her sister, yet they are so different. They are five years apart, but if you talked to her you'd think you were talking to a 20 year old. She is older than her years, and very mature. There are days when I forget how old she is, and I will talk to her about something that is R-rated, but then I think about it and I'm like...she's mature enough to understand what I just said. 

And you know something else, she gives the greatest advice...just like Sierra used to (and still does.) 

There are reasons why many of her elementary teachers had her sit in front of the classroom right near their desk. Not because she was a troublemaker, but because Lexie was their "comforter", or "solace" what have you. There were so many kids in the class, paritcularly her fifth grade class that would misbehave with such disrespect, that all Ms. Bottcher had to do was take one look at Lexie, sigh and say, "I can do this because of this one child. I can still teach because of this one child. I will finish out the next year because of this one child." It sounded like her mantra for the year Lexie was there, and I couldn't help but to laugh a little when she told me this during a parent/teacher conference. 

I thanked her for looking at her with such praise, and for all the wonderful compliments she said about Lexie. I concluded to tell her that her sentiments for Lexie was the same way for me not only at my house, but in my life as well.  

When chaos erupts in the home between my two younger children, or in the world I not only look at Lexie, but all of my kids, and I am pretty relieved. Relieved at the fact that they don't carry many burdens in their life (yet), and that they are not bullies. They love, forgive, and befriend everyone they meet. I thank Heavenly Father for bringing them down to me, and for the strength that I have to continue to raise them with true principles. 

As a parent one can give up on their kid once they reach their teens, or head off to college. You'd think because of my past, and the things I endured as a kid that I'd be raising some messed up kids. 

Not me. 

I call Sierra at least four times a week and send her sweet texts on a daily basis. Not because I don't trust her, but because I love her. 

Everyday before Lexie and Chelsea leave for school I give them a kiss and a bear hug, and if I get a chance I'll sneak in a note inside their lunch bag. With the way the world is today we all need someone in our life to give us comfort, and our kids need to hear that in return. I believe that's what makes my kids develop such sweet, yet strong personalities. 

Sure I have my husband, God, my sister, mother, this little blog, and my journal to "vent" to, but sometimes you need your daughters. 

I need my daughters, & I have learned a lot from them!

And I'm so grateful that I have three of them. They are indeed the greatest friends anyone could ever have, and some of the greatest people on earth. I personally have never met any other kid that could possible carry my daughters attributes. I count my blessings that I have them life, and two of them who are mature enough to.

Lexie is my stress reliever, and my book critic when it comes to reading. If any of you want to know about young adult fiction this is the "go to girl." She can read any book for you within 24 hours and give you a thumbs up or down. She'll even give you the latest books that are coming out. 

I am so thankful for our children. They are all wonderful, and each carry their own uniqueness, & talents. They are just awesome! 

"Happy for those whose child brings so much joy, and energy into their life."
That's me.

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