Saturday, May 3, 2014

Church Prom Preview.

It was 10:30p.m. when we arrived home, and the heels of my feet were hurting. I don't think I sat down one time last night while helping the youth and other leaders decorate for our mormon prom which is being held tonight. I didn't even think about how tired I was until I was helping set some of the silverware. I was just so excited to be helping the youth in any way I can with the decorations. 

See...I didn't grow up with anything like this. No church, no youth activity, no clean & happy fun. In the 22 years of being a member for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I have always served in Relief Society, and have never been a part of working with the young women of the church (except my own kids.) And so far I'm absolutely loving it! 

I began to gather every decoration that the kids needed before heading out to the church. Vintage books, gold coins, vintage compass, seashells, snowflake ornaments, and anything I had in the house that they can possibly use. The excitement was building up as I was putting these things in my bag, and I was ready to go. I kind of felt like a little kid except that my 'inner kid' at this moment was filled with light, and all kinds of happy! 

Jon, and my youngest daughter Chelsea tagged along with me, and they helped clean the kitchen. We washed at least 100 plates for the dinner tonight, and luckily I don't mind doing dishes otherwise I probably would have had Jon do it. After the kitchen was clean we all helped the youth with the decorations. 

We walked into the cultural hall, and the first thing that stood out was this...
A beautiful display of a mini D.C. Temple tht looks like a castle, and in many ways it is. 

I began to organize the stuff from my bag, and as I was looking out at all the tables with the various "disney themed" decorations brought back all kinds of memories. Memories of the time I introduced Sierra, and Lexie to Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White, and Alice in Wonderland. Those are the nostalgic disney movies. Chelsea was happy to have seen the Frozen, Toy Story, and Tangled themes. It literally got me so pumped as to what we were doing, and I wanted to dive right in and help decorate, but I now that the youth is responsible to do the work on their own. Having a Disney theme is a sweet idea, and I am so glad they chose that.

Basically the entire purpose of why we do mormon proms is uplifting, and brings so much peace to my soul. The secure feeling knowing that our kids are in a safe environment without going to any after parties puts me at ease. I know that they'll have all kinds of fun because our mormon proms play clean music, there is no dirty dancing, or grinding train, and are alcohol, and drug free! Oh...and we have chaperones that are looking out for our youth making sure no one is pulling last minute shenanigans.

Being at the church last night to help serve in preparing for this wonderful event was euphoric, and I am excited for all the youth to attend! Especially Lexie who will be going for the first time. She is excited for this prom, but I honestly think she is more excited to be around her church peeps, and to finally wear the dress that I bought for her this past Valentine's Day. 
Yep...she's almost ready to go. She just needs to do her chores, and clean the bathroom. Kind of like Cinderella.

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