Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Noah-isms - The Pandemic Edition.

It's been over a year since I've written any thing about Noah and his musings and I have missed that! Heck I miss a lot of things about this little blog. Not many people read blogs anymore but boy do I miss the good ol days when I blogged about anything and everything. The life of motherhood and parenting and all things kids. Now that they are all grown up and pretty much on their own (at least two of them) I don't have too much to write about on parenting. I feel like "a know it all" on mothering and parenting but I know I still have a lot to learn on raising my only boy who's 11.5 years young. So I guess maybe I will still write about the two kids I have left at home. Life is about adventures and living in the moment and learning about life's lessons. This past year was a rough fun one. My kids learned to speak up. Grow up. Get outside and I mean really dig deep into culture so much that Noah was asking all kinds of off the wall questions. He said words that his sisters never said at 10-11 years of age. Penis, sex, are among the words he would say. And in good context. He's growing up and wanted to know how he ended up on earth. How he was made basically. He learned all about maturation class this year so I am happy to know that my son knows all about the birds and the bees. What to do and how not to do it. Especially at a young age! He's so mature it scares me but at the same time I'm chill for the known fact that he knows what certain things mean when it comes down to the nitty gritty. He asks us questions and we answer them in the best way we know how. I'm Latina  so I don't sugarcoat my words. Christian or not it's important to teach our kids things that may considered a sin. The things he has said is proof that he is definitley not sheltered, but cultured. It's been interesting to watch grow up. To hear him respond to his teachers on his own without asking me, "what do I tell her?" He will do really well in middle school if he keeps this up. 

I only have about five Noah-isms to write so here they are...

"Mom, What day is it? Is it March 36th?"

"I don't ever want to wear makeup because I might be allergic to it." 

We were watching a movie and instead of actually saying the word "hell" he said, "he's going to the other bad place." 

While in the city Noah was having a conversation with Jon and on our way home he said, "New York is definitley not dead dad because of all the traffic and cars honking. And then he said, "yeah, mom is always a part of it while we are stuck in traffic. She's not dead and she always honks." 

When we went to Cookout Noah was annoyed that his hot dog was cold and when we handed him his side which was a quesadilla he said, "oh my gosh it's hot! I love it!"

Cool kid with a smart big heart. I love him so much my heart hurts! I know there is so much I can write about this kid but wanted to share these noah-isms with you! 

You can also read more past Noah-isms here. 

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