Tuesday, August 27, 2024

In Memory Of Mom.

It's been almost a month since my mom passed and i have to admit my momentum in blogging has gone downhill. I honestly don't feel like writing but I know that it helps me when I do. We drove back to Texas to settle mom's things our of her apartment as well as go to the funeral home to have my mom cremated. Those were her wishes and although it was a very stressful day finalizing her final wish and everything that goes when a loved one dies we pressed on and got things done. 3/4 of our kids were there for moral support and to provide me, their aunt and uncle with love and hugs. It was bittersweet having them all here. The reason I say that is because mom passed away a week before we all arrived. She wasn't able to see any of the grandkids but at least they got to face-time her while I was there the first time. I was just so happy that Noah, Hyrum, Lexie and Chelsea were there and that we all arrived safely. We got a lot done and made the best of our stay at our mom's little apartment. We had a whole week so we managed to get a lot done upon departing and even got our momma's ashes back in time. We decided to have a private little "wake" the Sunday before we all left and it was so nice having all of us together. I am especially grateful for my sisters neighbor Randy who provided lunch for us. What a kind gesture. We will sure miss mom and the kids will miss their wella but we are so happy she's not suffering anymore. She is at peace now and even though it's been almost a month I still find myself crying in the most random moments. I know those moments won't go away but luckily I have a foundation of family, God, and therapeutic hobbies that keep me sane. We will never forget our dear momma.  


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