Friday, May 18, 2018

A Little Letter For My Firstborn Who Turns T W E N T Y - T H R E E Today!

I couldn't let this day end, or got to bed without writing a little something about my oldest daughter Sierra who turned 23 today. I've written numerous posts about her in the past on this blog, and although I've mentioned not writing too much about her because she's pretty much on her own living her own life I can't help but to whisper sweet somethings on this little space of mine on the internet that's specifically meant for her eyes to see, and read. 

This photo will always be one of my first memories of her toddler years. She was 3.5 years old, and such a super sweet child. I never had any issues with her, and being that it was a beautiful spring day in Utah felt appropriate to share this pic on here because of all the cloudy days we've been having here lately. Looking back through old scrapbooks, and seeing her smile in pictures always brightens up my day! 

I wrote a blog post earlier with photos of her sibs, and blossoms to brighten the dreary days we've been having. I am so grateful for all the memories I've collected through the lens of my camera, and that I can jot down the depiction behind the photo. Especially with the ones of Sierra in them, and there are hundreds of them!! Like... you don't even want to know how many photos I have of her in my iPhoto! 

After all...she is my firstborn. 

Now back to Sierra in which this is her today...
I mailed her a handwritten card and wrote my heart out with words of wisdom. (At least I hope she finds wisdom in them!) Sure we talk on the phone, and text, but I love writing to family. Particularly my kids, and so far she's the only child who is 1700 miles away from me for now. No matter how dark the days may come for her I pray that she will always find the light to guide her back to happiness. That she will find joy in every situation whether it's good or bad. That she will look back in her box full of old cards, find one of mine, and re-read it when she needs a little pick-me-up. She has been through so much in her life with school, relationships, and figuring out what to do next. I am amazed at her perserverance in never giving up on herself, and making an effort to achieve her goals, and looking back at lessons learned in which she has learned from some. She's so talented, beautiful and smart, and I know that she can do anything in this life if she pushes herself. 

I wanted to share this "digital letter" in hopes that it's inspiring to her, and for anyone who wants to wish their child good vibes. I wish I received letters like this from my mom when I was younger, but I'm grateful for the letters my mom writes to me today. 

Keep in mind that this is not what I wrote in her card because I wouldn't have had the room! So here it is on a white screen where everyone can read. I will then print it out, and send it to her to look back on.

Dear Sierra, 

I was the same age you are today when I had you, and want you to know that it's okay not to be married yet. Remember that The Lord is in the details when it comes to all of our lives. Who we marry. Where we're going to live. What we are going to do once you've completed your education, but you're getting it. You're getting it. I also want you to know that even though I had you at 23 I didn't get a lot of things. I was still learning, and growing up! Oh man, did I have a lot of growing up to do. But having you at the time I did was a huge blessing for me because it made both me and your dad become adults! Just because he served a mission didn't mean that he knew everything, and just because I converted to the church at 21 didn't mean I was perfect. Oh no. I had a lot to learn. 

And I still do. 

As do you.

Because life is all about learning, and enduring. 

My hope for you mamas is to live life, and I mean really live it. You have your whole life ahead of you, and my hope for you is to travel, and explore the world. Different cultures. Use that passport when circumstances allow it. Make new friends, Read more books, and go on a lot of walks. Listen to really good music. Take the time to do what's important. If there is something you feel is not worth your time, think, and I mean really think and use your head before you decide to do it. Listen to that still, small voice. Don't ever ignore it. Just listen. There are times when I ignored those promptings, and the result was never a good one. But you have that gift so please listen to that voice. Live simply. Having less will make your life less complicated, and you won't be overwhelmed. Trust me. I've been doing that since before you were born. Use your voice. Don't ever be afraid to speak up. Be fearless. Stand strong, and remember who you are. It's so easy to lose ourselves, and forget the truth. Serve, and reach out to others who may need a listening ear. Make time for yourself, and don't work too hard. 

Work to live, don't live to work. 

Put the Lord first in all you do. There are times where I have failed that as well thinking I can do what I want without thinking or praying about it, but we have that tool to use to seek the right answer. Remember all you learned as young girl, and the lessons you gained from it, as well as the challenges you overcame. And remember how you hurdled through those dark times, and survived. 

Cause look at you now kid. 

You are an amazing musician who knows all about instruments, and music. Particularly piano! You're going to go places if you follow your heart with your head while listening to a voice so still, and including God in your choices. He knows what 's best for you and He will always be there to hear you. 

Never, ever give up on your dreams. It's never too late to achieve them. This is great advice for me too! 

Happy Birthday my sweet Sierra! I love you  to the moon, and back! 


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