Noah was excited to do the hike up the hill cumorah. After about two minutes of walking up the hill said, "whose idea was this to climb up here!" It was so funny because it was the first thing he wanted to do after we saved some seats. We made it up, caught our breath, and enjoyed the view atop from the hill cumorah.

The sacred grove is our favorite. There is something about coming here as a family that really ties us together. The knot is stronger, and in spite of any struggles, or sibling rivalry these kids may experience there is always room for love, and forgiveness. The sacred grove reminds us of those two important things. It is such a special place where one can pray, to go to feel peace, and hopefully find a resolve to any hard situation. But most of all, the closeness it brings as a family is the greatest feeling, and part of coming to the grove.
The smith house is another special place to go. Every time I enter in I am reminded of my own upbringing, and how I too was raised in a small house. Our shower was outside, and I remembered how cold I was every time I had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. At least I had electricity, and running water to bathe in. I can't compare my experiences of living in a small house to Joseph Smith because back in those days things were different, and life seemed harder. Reading all about his childhood, and how they lived back in the 1800's truly made me appreciate the life i had then, and the life I have now!
We didn't have a chance to enter the temple this time, but with more time and planning next year we will! It's always a pleasure of mine to take the kids photo in front of the entrance.
Food!! Cause when you walk around and tour the sites for hours your belly starts to grumble which means it's time to eat! This pizza is to die for! Mark's pizzeria for those who plan on making a trip up here. Try it! It is delish!
How lucky we were to have stumbled upon the illustrated author at the bookstore who wrote some of Noah's favorite books. He now owns all of them! Thank you David Bowman for giving us a great deal!
The hill cumorah pageant. Our favorite event of the day! Well, every historical church site is our favorite but this is Noah's favorite part because he gets to go on a "prophet hunt." We didn't get to all of them because I think the heat, and being cooped in a car all night made him a bit grumpy, but these fine group of young men who played the nephites comforted him as if he was their little brother. It was a wonderful sight to see!
These are two of my favorite prophets back in the day. Moroni who is the son of Mormon, and Joseph Smith.
Here we have the kids with Mormon, and Abinadi. It was hilarious because Noah asked if his white beard was real! Of course it wasn't!
With Samuel the lamanite. Noah absolutely loves him!
I just love how all these past prophets including Nephi were courageous, and brave. To endure to the end during all those trials is something so remarkable! Such a great examples for our future generations when it comes to being a member of this church!
It never fails that the character who plays King Noah is perfect for the part. Gruff, and stern looking. King Noah wasn't so nice back in the day, but Noah still has a soft spot for him. It's probably because they have the same name. Yeah, that's it!
Although a short trip we had a blast and made it back in time for our sacrament meeting where Lexie gave a talk on her trek trek experience. The ten hour drive we did within 36 hours was totally worth it just to see the Hill Cumorah pageant. They are performing it until this weekend so if you are nearby or are planning a little vacay I highly recommend to come, and watch!
**Other historical sites include the Peter Whitman farm, and book of mormon publishing site which are both wonderful places to tour.
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