Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Life Lately With Rainy Days...

I have to admit that I've been unmotivated to blog lately and that is okay with me. I honestly think it's the rainy weather that we've been having, and to be honest I haven't felt the least bit guilty. The rain causes my bones to ache espeically my back so sitting in front of the computer for even an hour can really take a toll on me. My sister tells me it's arthritis and i believe it is. After all, I will be 48 in a couple of months and as we age certain parts of our body get out of whack! Luckily I have a young heart and refuse to let anything even signs of arthritis bring me down, and so I wanted to jot down a little bit of what has been going on lately. 

Father's day came and went, and the weekend of dad's day was simple and nostalgic. If you follow my Instagram you would have seen us at the park with Chelsea and Noah having a ton of fun! The merry-go-round was the highlight of that day, and Noah made friends with so many kids and Jon was the only dad who was present to take them around and around! Noah also had his turn of going around and around. This kid could have done it all day long! 
I would love to post all the photos, but luckily there's instagram where you can click on this link to see 10 fun photos from our father's day weekend. 

I have to admit I am grateful for technology these days only when it comes to writing, and blogging. I love sharing  small snippets and photos of our family adventures, and the simple moments that my life brings with two kids left in the house. It's fun, it's sad, it's bittersweet, it's joy, it's pretty lonely, it's pretty hectic, but man do I love the life I live with this family of mine no matter what! 
Having these two boys around, my life is never dull and while I yearn for more days like this, the days i do spend with them are pretty satisfying, and fulfilled. 
Also, my daughter Lexie has come home for the summer and we are all thrilled for her to be here. I wish she would have been here when finals were over in April, but she had two jobs at BYU that kept her working. It was actually her choice. She's such a hard working girl and I'm so proud of her, and super excited she's home! 

At least for now!

Yep...those melancholy days will start up again once she leaves.

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