Monday, October 14, 2019

On The Steps Where The JOKER Danced!

The Joker movie left me with feelings of humility, compassion, sorrow, and love for those who have mental health issues. Although it was just a movie there are people out there who will snap at the spur of the moment and overall are just really, really sad. With that being said wanted to share some happy moments of the movie in which one of my favorite scenes was when Joaquin Phoenix (JOKER) was dancing down the stairs near his apartment in the Bronx where filming took place. 

Over the weekend we decided to go on a little adventure to find those steps! I'm not to familiar with the Bronx except when we go to the Bronx zoo or botanical gardens but finding these steps was not hard. Especially when someone posted the location on social media! We located the staircase and the kids and I walked and danced up and down them, back and forth like twice. I totally got my workout for the day. I took pictures and we had a lot of fun while dancing to Gary Glitter's Rock & Roll. It was surreal. 

We also went to the apartment building where he and his mom lived in the film. I spoke to a few of the residents and they mentioned how crazy it was filming there. They mentioned how the crew had bright huge lights, and a hose coming down from the building to create rain. Not the safest neighborhood to live in but hanging out their during the day was fine. 
If you haven't seen the Joker movie I suggest you go. It truly shows the affects of a mentally depressed person and how mental illness is real! It is pretty dark and I suggest not taking kids under the age of 14 but nowadays these types of movies are "real life" and shows just what can happen when someone doesn't take their medication, or needs serious guidance and therapy. 
Joaquin Phoenix did an amazing performance, and the cinematography was exquisite! Go watch it! 

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