Friday, March 16, 2018

Happy Birthday Pa!!

How cool is it that my in-laws have back to back to birthdays! Since I wrote a bit about Sue yesterday I figured I'd add a few words besides "happy birthday" to the man that is a spitting image of his son! I'd be amiss if I didn't have something to share about him, and want to let the world know that he too, is indeed, a great person. 

Family is number one, and regardless of our imperfections and downfalls we have managed to swallow our pride and allow ourselves to ask for help when we needed it. When we did Jon would always call upon his folks, and his dad would always come to the rescue. 

He has helped us through major times of need, and I couldn't be more grateful for the times he lend more than a helping hand. Because of his example I would like to be "that parent" who is there for their kids both temporally, and spiritually and never turn my back on them. Jay is a great example when it comes to helping others, and I know that he has bent over backwards not only to help his friends, but his family too. 

Because that is what family does. 

We help each other when times get tough, without sighing or making faces, and if we are lucky we learn from those handouts in hopes that we eventually become independent. Jon and I have learned a lot from his father, and because I didn't have a father figure in my life Jay's example taught me enough to know how a father should be. Ever heard the song "Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson? Yep, that's me. 

Anyway, Jay is as awesome as they come. He is goofy, giving, super helpful, and his talent in mechanics is crazy awesome! I always wondered why Jon was so gifted with cars, and corny when I first met him, and then I met his dad. He is an embodiment of his father, and I am fine with that! Especially since Jon can do most of the work when it comes to fixing cars on his own! Having grown up with a mechanical engineer as a dad has really helped Jon with a talent in fixing cars. 

I want him to know that throughout all the trials we faced when I joined this family that I wouldn't trade them for anything. It is because of all that I endured since joining the church and becoming a part of this family is why I am the way I am today. I will never reach perfection, but I do love myself, and feel pretty rich in the family that Jon, and I have created, and currently raising. 
With a ton of help from Sue, I want to thank him for bringing an amazing boy into the world. They have truly raised an amazing son. 

I also want to add that a couple of years ago he had open heart surgery, and man was that a scary chapter in our lives. Not only for Jon, but for all of us. So Jay, I want you to know how truly grateful I am for all that you've done for my family. For still thriving on this earth. I hope this day is a good one for you, and that you continue to enjoy retirement, and find time to relax. You truly are a trooper, and deserve only the best!

Happy Birthday Pa! You truly are a superhero in our eyes! 

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