Thursday, March 15, 2018

Happy Birthday To The Coolest Momma-In-Law Ever!

I couldn't let this year go by without wishing my mother in law the happiest of birthdays. I rarely ever write, or even talk about her on this blog, but because she has put up with so much of my bull**it , and has done sooooooooooo much for me, and my family throughout the past 24 years of being her daughter-in-law wanted to express my love and appreciation to her for so many reasons. 

Emily Dickinson said, "we turn not older with years, but newer every day." Although we are not getting younger in years we definitely become newer as we age, and because she is the perfect example of that quote wanted to share a few of those reasons why I really do love, and appreciate her! 

A) She never gave up on me. 

Even after marrying her son, and finding out all about me she gave me the benefit of the doubt, and continued to "save" me from all the issues I had. Just because I'm a convert to the LDS church doesn't mean that I was this perfect girl. Everyone, and I mean everyone comes with some baggage, and boy did I have a lot. 

B) She was always there for my firstborn

I was a major working mom in the beginning of my marriage, and only had Sierra at the time. She was always there for me when I needed someone to watch her, or pick her up from day care. Being that I had no family, or hardly any friends in Utah she was one person I could count on in times of need. 

C) She is the best at serving others! 

This woman will do anything for anyone...especially my kids. I would like to think she put my kids first, but because we are far in distance didn't always happen. When she does come and visit though she puts all her time and energy with them. She will interact with them, and talk to them about life, and what they are up to when it comes to school, and friends. While she lives in Utah I hear all about how she tends to the other grandkids, her neighbors, and members in the church. Her heart is all about service, and when I am her age I want to be just like her! 

D) She is so thoughtful. 

This woman is as thoughtful as they come. She is the best gift giver, and always thinks of us on our special days. Whether it's our birthday, or holidays we know we will be expecting a package, or a simple card that reads "love and miss you." The kids always look forward to the little things, and her special packages, especially the ones that have homemade treats inside! 

E) Her endurance, and testimony of God, and His gospel. 

I love how she expresses her love for God, and His truth. Next to Jesus Christ her example of kindness and love when it comes to spirituality is the one attribute I continue to strive in becoming. That is when thing she never gives up on. 

I can go on and on about her, but these are the top main reasons why I love, and appreciate her. Throughout our ups and downs, and ins and outs of the life we've both endured with one another for the past 24 years we've always managed to talk things through. Sometimes even yell things through. Not funny, but it's the truth. Not everyone gets along with their in-laws and that was true in the beginning, but as you grow up, and get older we learn, and love harder. It's just like when you meet someone whether at work, church or school. You have to get to know that person before you tell them your life story, or even judge. We were both at fault with that, but now I just adore her! She is the kindest, most giving human being I've ever known, and the best mother-in-law ever!

Happy birthday Sue! Know that I meant every word typed in this post. 

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