Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A "Go-To" Idea Summer Bucket List...

As I was looking back through my some of my old blog posts in regards to summer bucket lists I really loved this one that Noah had written two years ago. And this one that Chelsea typed up in 2012. They're not complicated, it's not exhausting, and it's not hard to accomplish. I love that their lists were simple and old school. Ones that don't require too much time, and money. 
After reading Naomi's recent blog post it got me thinking that life in the summer doesn't require planning. I for one have never been much of a planner. Just ask my family. I find excitement and joy in finding things to do at the last minute. I love that my family is the same way. They will get up and go with me. Of course, if we were to plan an international trip then that would require some major planning, but if you live in the US of A do as you go. That's my motto. I am so glad that I've never been much of a planner. 

So after reading her post I continued to look through the archives of my blog, and noticed one little bucket list I wrote on a 3x5 index card. This was for my friend Rosalie who visited me years ago. So when it comes to family or friends visiting I will do my best to accommodate them when it comes to sightseeing. I also noticed a shift recently in my writing that we don't do too much. Especially since my kids have gotten older. There are so many things I'd love to do in this life for myself and with my family, but it's okay if they never get accomplished. Not that I'm old but at my age, I have also come to terms that I need to slow down. We all do. For my health, and to enjoy the sweet, simple moments that each day brings. Just as Noah described on his little list. His list may be long, but it's simple in every way. 

Living in Jersey close to the city, if we are not careful, can truly wear us down. Because there are so many things to do life in my neck of the woods can become hectic. Even with two young children left in the home, I am definitely learning that, and our summer is going to be simple without feeling the need to accomplish every little thing on our summer bucket list that I've had since 2012! 
So this summer and all the summers to come in the future will be chill. They will be spontaneous and fun, and if I wake up on a Sunday morning and text my friend to let her know we are going to drive three hours just to go to her church in DC so be it. We've done it before, and it's the best way to do any trip without having to plan it!  

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