Friday, August 4, 2023

Reunited - Catching Up On Lost Time.

Seeing my brother for the first time in about 20 years was the most emotional part of this trip. Not to mention my mom, who is in the early stages of dementia was even happier to have seen him. It was so hard to watch them two reunite. There is so much to write behind these scenes of this post and if I did a video on them reuniting after all these years I would have gotten so much clout. But I didn't because this was a private and tender moment. Tears were shed in every direction. Jon, who only cries when a huge milestone hits such as our wedding day, our kids being born, or kids serving missions. It takes a sincere moment for him to cry and this was one of them.  Even my 18 year old was emotional. My 13 yr old son was like, "what's happening?" It wasn't until we came home that we explained to him how she didn't raise him and why her her parents did. Long story to share on here but if I ever write a book about my life I will include this part in it. But that will have to wait.

Overall it was a great visit. We laughed and caught up on so much time that was lost. It truly felt as if we saw each other yesterday. Snail mail is one thing but without yearly visits to see loved ones can really break you. I know covid did a number on a lot of families and ours was an unlucky one. Phone numbers and addresses change and before you know it you've lost complete touch. Luckily he was always great on keeping us up to date with a new cell number. You don't realize how much time has been lost until you end up staying overnight; wake up the next day and continue catching up where we left off. So much reminiscing. So many stories to tell behind the photos he showed us about our ancestors. So many unanswered questions that were finally answered. It was a blessing that we came because he's old school and didn't have a working cell. Although he knew I was coming he had forgotten when. God knows what we need in our life and at that time and he needed us. We all needed to see him. I am so thankful for this moment and for making the 2.5 hour drive to see him. Family is everything to me and I can see how grateful and happy he was that we took the time to care to see him. I will never consider him my stepbrother. We may have different fathers but he is my blood brother and always will be. 

So much time lost but there is nothing but love and forgiveness in this photo between a mother and son.
The kids were super excited to have met their Tio Eddie. They've heard stories and seen pictures of him meeting him for the first time was so exciting for them. There was never a dull moment between them. 
The highlight of this moment was seeing my mom and bro hugging and loving on each other. So much time lost but they finally made it home to each other. 
For the past 29 years these two have always joked and laughed about each other. One thing for sure is that if you put a Mexican with your sisters white husband beware....there will be lots of jokes and laughter. Luckily Jon has a great sense of humor!
It truly was a great time.

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