Friday, November 17, 2023

Thankful For My Only Boy.


November has to be my luckiest month because that is when my son, our only boy Noah was born. He's 14 and till this day he is as sweet as they come. He has inherited at least one attribute from each of his sisters. Me and his dad. He is every percentage of all five of us which makes him unique in his own way. I love that he's kind and giving. He loves to help the homeless. If he sees someone that looks like they are in need whether on the side of the road as we are getting off the turnpike or in the streets of New York he wants to help. 

One time we saw a man walking down fifth avenue in the city looking inside every single trash can for food and here comes Noah asking me if we can get him something to eat. Those homeless people that mind their business and don't panhandle are usually the ones that really need it. And you can tell. I always go by my gut and will give if I feel that nudge. Noah is a lot like me when it comes to caring for the needy. He's crazy and sassy sometimes like Chelsea, super sensitive yet very agreeable like Lexie. Artistic and creative like Sierra, and sometimes too nice like his dad. He does have latin in him which will rarely come out. Like ever! I hope that he won't have that Spanish heat like I do. He's a jersey boy through and through with the way he speaks and I love it! Sometimes I have to tell him to enunciate his words and not talk too fast! But that's the way of life here in Jersey. At least he talks fast and doesn't like being rushed. Living in Jersey can be super rushed and I have been teaching him that life doesn't have to be like that. Just because you're from here doesn't mean you have to be like it! So thankful for this kid who still likes to play with action figures, reads comic books, talks about social media, dystopias, friendships, and constantly sends me tiktoks that relate to love and moms, and also geeky ones that I sometimes don't get! 

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