Tuesday, November 28, 2017

On Earning Her Young Women Medallion.

For those of you who don't quite exactly know what the big deal is on this necklace is the fact that it's a pretty special piece of jewelry, and a big deal to those who have completed their personal progress (at least it is for this girl.) This was Lexie's year in earning it, and I am so happy for her! 

I remember when her sister, and I received our medallions together. I was so excited, and proud of receiving it. I didn't grow up in the church, or learn any of the values that are taught to the youth of this church, and because of that I was super proud of myself. Sierra was also happy to have completed it with me. Earning a medallion is the equivalent of one earning their Eagle so you if you're familiar with that then you know it takes a lot of time, and hard work to compete that. (I know I'll be crying the day my son becomes an eagle scout!)

I am a witness to Lexie's hard work and effort, on taking her precious time in doing all the projects, and all the reading that was required to complete her personal progress. She read the entire book of mormon in two months, and it shows. She is the most patient, kind, caring, always there when you need a friend kind of gal, and loving person you will ever meet. I am so happy for her because I know she had been looking forward to this day. It took her six years to complete, and that's okay. There were times when I'd advise her to "hurry up" and finish it so it wouldn't interfere with her homework, or activities but I'm so glad she didn't take my rushed advice and that she took her time in completing it. She mentioned that because she didn't rush that she has a clearer understanding as to who she is, what she learned, and has a deeper understanding of all the values, and that's because she took her time in reading while pondering the scriptures. It was easier for me to complete it in two years because I was old, and already a mother. I had already completed some of the things that were already asked to accomplish in the book. 

Chelsea is my last daughter, and just started working on it when she turned 12. I'm so glad that she is taking her time in working on it too. I want my girls to seriously understand what they are reading, and what personal progress is. I firmly believe that when a young woman diligently takes her time to seek out the scriptures, and learning all the values, (what they mean, and stand for) while working on their personal progress that they will become a strength to their weaknesses, and a stronger daughter of God throughout their life. 

Personal Progress is something I can do over, and over again. It's a reminder to me on how to live, and be as a daughter of God. I encourage every woman to complete their personal progress. No matter how old one gets it can be done. 

I recently read this story of an 85 year old grandma completing it with her granddaughter! How cool is that! Even more cool is a 102 year old woman completing it also, and you can read that story hereThese are stories that are uplifting, and inspire me to be better, and to never forget how far we have come to receive said medallion. It's not about the necklace, but about the accomplishment. To know how diligently we read the scriptures while working on our personal progress brings more joy, and confidence in knowing who we are. This is something that I hope all my girls will never forget once they complete their personal progress, and receive their medallion! 

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