Saturday, July 11, 2020

Father's Day Appreciation Post In July.

I know it's been a few weeks since fathers day passed because of I know it's been a few weeks since fathers day passed but couldn't let my days go on without writing a little something about Jon. My father left when I was five which is why I never really write about him or hardly share anything about him. Last time I shared something about him was in this post and writing about that has helped me cope with the fact that he wasn't in my life. With that being out in the open we are so lucky to have this great guy who likes to have his picture taken and I love writing about him! Even after working 14 hr shifts, six days a week for the past two months he is always willing to take us to the places we love. Jon, thank you for staying and for working hard for our family. Thank you for always being there for us even when you're physically not (life of a city UPS driver). You truly are the perfect example of what a dad should be. Here's to more Father's Days like this with kids who are willing to do anything for you. You truly are a super hardworking dad!

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