Thursday, July 21, 2022

A Little Letter To The Jersey Shore...


Dear Jersey Shore, 

I will never stop expressing my gratitude for living so close to you. And even though some beaches are an hour away that drive is nothing and we still go to take in all your beauty. We love you whether we get in the water or not. Just being with my family and better yet my son is so nice. Even when he  He loves the crashing of your waves and even though he complains knowing that he has to walk on sand in order to get his feet wet -once he takes off those flip flops and dips them into your ocean...he no longer complains. Instead, he has fun running along the water and of course trying to splash me with it! He loves the ocean bits and broken seashells that he finds around you. He's a kid through and through and I love that he can be more old school instead of staying at home playing on Roblox! You are what summer is all about. Kicking it 80's style and just living life outside in the summertime instead of being cooped up in the house! Thank you jersey shore for always being there for us in every season. But mostly in the summer time!

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