Monday, April 8, 2019

General Conference-Spring 2019

As we woke up to get ready to head to the chapel for general conference I was thinking...why does the weather have to be this wonderful! After what seemed to be a long winter we finally had a rain free weekend and 70 degree plus weather, and it felt great. I reaaaaaaallllyyyyy wanted to play hooky, and spend our time outside instead of listening to conference. I know that we could have waited to read them online, or watch it at home on our mac, but we enjoy watching it live at our church.

You never know what counsel, or news they're going to give at that moment so it's always good to be prepared and not wait until listening to the talks days later. Luckily we have a two hour break in between sessions where we were able to go for a walk and take in all of spring!! 
This particular conference was extremely inspiring. President Nelson who is our prophet, and leader of our church gave some insightful counsel, and all of his counselors gave some of the most spiritual talks. Oh man, not only did I stand all amazed at what was said, but I was overwhelmed at some of the talks in which I will want to read, and reread again. Our leaders don't mince words, and are very prophetic to a point where you know you need to buckle up, and straighten out. Make things right with yourself, and they mean this in the most possible loving way. I truly feel their love, and support toward all of us from the screen, and it is the best feeling! 
I also want to add in a picture of my two oldest girls who are in Utah at the moment. They both attend school there, and are roomies. They both have a testimony of this gospel, and it brought so much joy to see this picture of them together at temple square. I pray for all my kids daily that they will live their days the best way they can, and to know that they don't need to be perfect. They have both been tried one too many times, and never let adversity win! It is my hope that my two youngest children will learn from the challenges that they face in this hard, yet beautiful world. 
Love these last days! The work of the Lord, all the temples that continue to be built, the excitement, the truth! Already looking forward to October to hear more. 

Also, if you are interested in knowing more about the church, the Lamb of God, the book of mormon, and all that it has to offer please reach out to me or our full-time missionaries here.. You can also watch all the talks online here.

"Do the spiritual work [reading scriptures, and pray], and find out for yourselves, and please do it now, for time is running out."
-President Russell M. Nelson 

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