Thursday, September 24, 2020

49 Septembers!

Turned 49 today and it honestly felt a little off. Maybe it's because we are still living in the middle of a pandemic or maybe it's the fact that it's my last year in my 40's! Yikes! Nonetheless, my family made my birthday pretty special and because it fell on a school night celebrated it with pure simplicity. Although Jon worked we managed to have dinner at a decent time in the evening. My two oldest daughters including Lexie who is serving a church mission in Arizona called me today. Those phone calls totally made my day. Chelsea, who in all honesty hasn't written me a handwritten letter since like the 4th grade made, and wrote me the most brutal and loveliest letter! I laughed because she's so much like me, and I even got a bit teary-eyed reading it. I can't even imagine growing up in her era right now which makes me all the more grateful that I am living in a generation today where I can pretty much handle my own and teach my kids to be fearless, yet kind. Noah who is such a sweetheart has been so tired lately with having seven zoom classes a day and although he knew my birthday was today sort of forgot, but then after hinting to him that today is a special day he remembered! Crazy kid! 

I spent most of my day at home with school and after chelsea finished tennis practice we went to Johnson's corner farm where we went on a hayride and had the wagon all to ourselves. We went apple picking and hung around the farm to eat a few apple cider donuts because in all honesty I think the kids prefer donuts over apples! We lingered on the grounds and took pictures of everything orange! I honestly love this season and all the fall vibes that it brings. It was a fun and simple day and this literally was the cheapest, less stressed birthday I've had in quite a few years!

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