Saturday, January 30, 2021

What We Saw In NYC!

In spite of Covid nothing stops us from venturing out and lately there has been so much to look and see in the city  and luckily we live close enough to where we can just hop on a train or get in our car and go. I love the art installations and the flower flashes that have been displayed lately. There's never a shortage of things to see or do in New York city and after watching "Pretend It's a City" just makes me want to live in it and visit it even more. I've gotten so used to the nuances of the city that I feel sometimes as if I actually could live there. Maybe some day but for now we are lucky enough to travel a short distance (yes...75 minutes on the turnpike is a short distance for me!) and arrive safely to our favorite city in the world!

 Here are a few things we have visited or seen in the past few weeks. Some of them may no longer be on display but don't fret. There will always be some new art installation or cool pop up museum to go to. The weather has been cold and the kids have been busy with school lately that we've been hermit crabs for a while, but eventually we will get out again and travel more when time permits! 

Flower flashes by Lewis Miller Design are usually displayed all over the city and he recently put this one out a couple of weeks ago in homage to the kids who have dealt a lot with Covid in not being interactive with in person school or their classmates, graduations, and gatherings. These flower flashes usually don't last very long especially when people take some of the flowers off! This one is located in the Bella Abzug park near Hudson yards with the gorilla King Nyani until July 2021. You can see a little video of it here
Rockefeller center always has some unique sculpture on display and as soon as the Christmas decorations came down this sculpture came "looking up." And it's literally called "Looking Up" by Tom Friedman. It should be on display until March. 
This art installation is called "Prismatica" and it is located in the garment district. They are compromised of 25 six-foot-tall pivoting prisms that reflect the vibrant colors of the rainbow. And as you can in this video Noah had so much fun spinning them around! I believe the last time to see them was this past weekend! But like I said before, there's always a new installation popping around in the city somewhere! 
This glass house known as the "Bombora house" is the latest installment of Tom Fruin's icon series. It is such a cute house-shaped little sculpture. It's in the Meatpacking district until the end of April 2021. 
The high line hotel has been here since about 1934 and is very nice. I love the double decker bus that's located outside in the patio. It's a great place to take pictures and nicely decorated during Christmas time! 
And last but not least (at least for this post) is the new mural at the Louis Vuitton store on 5th avenue. Each season seems to bring on a new look for this building and this one is a bit cartoonish and like an eye spy for kids. Apparently it's celebrating the LV and UF collection which a collaboration with Swiss artist Urs Fischer. Noah is always standing in the middle of the building whilst I take a picture. Love the New York action in this video too. 

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