Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ranking Up In Scouts!

Working on your eagle is a lot of work and I have seen it firsthand with my son. I feel that if you don’t get things done right away you’re going to get behind and the years fly by so fast that before you know it you either get your eagle or it’s too late. Well, I would hate for my son to be the latter, so luckily Noah has found a way to get ahead and without being rushed and without feeling the need that he’s got to do this because it’s got to be done as opposed to doing it because his dad is an Eagle Scout. 

There have been times where I seriously wanted to give up on helping him because he was focused on other things but now that he's older he really enjoys scouts and has a goal to complete it. It's so important for him to be a part of scouts simply because he wants to learn and be experienced. You never know when an emergency arises or a catastrophe hits and he’s left out in the woods by himself where he can learn to survive and protect himself. It teaches him life skills and he's grateful for that.

He just got his tenderfoot last fall and he will be ranking up again in a couple of months. I was so proud of him when he earned his tenderfoot. He worked really hard to get this and although I feel that he should’ve gotten it a few months earlier, he did not want to rush it. He wanted to make sure that all his t's were crossed and I's dotted, and that he actually understood every single badge that he was aiming for. 

So very proud of him that he recognized the importance of wanting to learn in detail about merit badges, and what it in tailed as opposed to getting it done because it's part of earning the tenderfoot. He's 14 and is now working on his second class so let's hope he earns that in the fall! I know that if he continues to find a balance to work on his merit badges all while being a kid and having fun that he will accomplish his Eagle Scout goal. Fingers crossed because the years are going to fly!

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