Sunday, June 30, 2024

Year 8 Complete!

Ending the month of June with so many lasts with this kid who just completed year 8!! I can't believe my baby boy is growing up and is officially a high schooler! His baby face still shows that he is younger than he looks and maybe that's a good thing but I know that he's going to blossom and grow older throughout his high school years. I have to admit it, his second semester of 8th grade was a bit challenging. I'm telling you that these pandemic kids went through a lot but alas he passed all his classes and he is very well aware that in high school teachers will be more harder and difficult. 

I'm also grateful he has his music and guitar to fall back on though. He is like his sisters with music. They each have their own instrument that soothes their sooth. Whether it's playing the piano or the violin, all our kids have found music as a solace and whether their writing, playing, and/or singing it, music has really helped them throughout their lives. It's the same with Noah. Playing his guitar is his outlet and no matter the cost we would never take that away from him. H has an amazing teacher and he has taught him well for the past three years and will continue to take lessons until his final year of high school. Playing music is very therapeutic for him and his recital this year was so good. Everyone played well and I will be sharing his video on youtube as soon as I upload it! 

So long were good to us!

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