Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Thank You Letter To My Friends & Family.

Having gall bladder surgery was something I was not expecting to have this month. Or ever. Having throwing up for four days straight and not able to keep anything in and waking up to major pain on my right side one morning was something that concerned me and luckily my husband took work off for three days to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Well, I guess having my gall bladder lit up with stones was pretty serious for me and although it took the doctors a day and a half to make sure everything else in my body was working properly went ahead and scheduled the surgery for later on that night. Like 11:30 at night! I was not afraid but curious. Wondering how this was going to turn out in the end. I've never had surgery except to have c-section babies and that is it. I have always been a healthy woman but I guess when you're nearing 50 (I turn 50 this September) your body will have begin to have age relating issues. And this one really snuck up on me! Luckily I had no other serious health issues. They ruled out stomach ulcers, and I did have a belly hernia which was fixed during surgery. Don't ask me what that was because I don't even remember the doctor's answer when I asked him. Overall, I am feeling much better now and recovering quite nicely. I've been for almost two weeks not being able to drive and that's ok. It's nice to take a break from behind the wheel. One more day and I can drive again but I'm still going to take it easy for at least another month. Hopefully by mid-June I'll be able to clean, and do domestic things like laundry, and move furniture around! Having gall bladder surgery was quite the experience and in all honesty would not like to go through any type of surgery again but you never I age it's inevitable to avoid any health issues. No matter how healthy you think you are something can sneak up on you pretty fast! I only hope that they are minor and not major and that I will still be capable of doing the things I love! 

I am especially grateful for my kids especially my youngest daughter who has been amazing at helping me around the house. She has put so much on her plate this past week on top of all her homework. She truly has grown up a lot this past week and I am grateful to her for putting up with my stubbornness and all. Telling me to go back and lay down and she can bring me my food. To remind me that I can't do stairs yet. To tell me that she will grab the remote for me instead of me getting up to get it. Even though it was literally a couple feet away! I'm lucky to have self sufficient children at home with me still while I went through this. Not everyone is fortunate. Especially since I don't have any family of our own on this part of the country. Relying on my church family has become easier for me. I no longer have pride and you better believe that if someone offers to bring dinner or ask if they can get anything from the store for me I will take them up on that offer. Yes, I am pretty independent and love serving and helping others but hey, it was obviously my turn and I am happy that I obliged to them in all that they offered to me and my family. And I will forever be grateful for that and to them! 

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