Friday, May 17, 2019

A Few Snippets From Mother's Day Weekend!

Lately, I feel as if I have been running my Instagram account on full mode with little captions and stories instead of writing longer, blog-journal entries and feel as if I'm neglecting this little blog. I love writing about our adventures and outings, but the time of my life right now seems that posting our little moments on Instagram is more efficient than my blog but then my guilty conscious gives in and tells me to keep this blog going. After all, it is pretty much being documented for my posterity. 

Last weekend, (actually last Saturday) was one of the best days ever! The weather and everything about that day was absolutely beautiful!! Spring had been on pause for a while so instead of it being 45 with rain, the temp was about 69 with a lot of sunshine! And because it was mother's day weekend decided to drive to the city for some much-needed treats, and you know...just have a blast. 
We were the three musketeers on this day. Chelsea was on an overnight trip at Hershey park so we had this little guy all to ourselves. I literally had a glimpse of how outings (not to mention cheaper) it will be with just one child. It was weird, but nice at the same time. I still miss my girls coming to the city with us but time changes and life goes on. 
I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but either my taste buds are changing, or my body needs more sugar because of aging, but I have been loving every kind of sweet there is lately! Our first stop was By.Chloe which have the most delicious cupcakes. If you like hostess cupcakes just imagine it tasting ten times better. It was mouth-watering, and I could have eaten more than one but wanted to leave room in my tumme so that I can eat my way through the city. 
We had brunch at the Little Owl which is underneath the Friends apartment, and because we are a spontaneous folk didn't have a reservation. Luckily the hostess had room at the bar where we all gathered together and ate a delicious meal. Mind you if we had our other three girls there would have been no room!!

We stayed put in Greenwich and walked all over the village. If you had a chance to see my insta-story that day there was a block party going on with little kids singing 80's songs. It was great, and Noah had so much fun. He constantly asks if we will ever move here, cause if we do he would like to live in this part of new york. Keep dreaming son! 
Ice cream!!! Take me to a place where they serve really good ice cream that doesn't come from a box in a freezer at your local grocery store and I am there. We stopped at Morgenstern's where their ice cream was superb! There are more ice cream places in the city to discover but this one so far is at the top of my list. 
We had the King Kong banana split which could literally feed four people and Jon and I devoured it. Noah is a pretty simple kid and got a small cup of cookies and cream which is his fave! 
On our way home we stopped by Baked by Melissa. She sells the tiniest little cupcakes and they are sooooo good! I wish I bought more to eat, and also send to my friends for mommas day but this pic did the trick! 
Also these flowers at the corner bodega! Love, love spring time in New york!
So grateful for this little space of mine on the net to tell the tales of our adventures. It was a beautiful springtime day, and look forward to more to come! 

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