Friday, August 1, 2014

Goodbye July.

There are about six weeks of summer left, and I feel as if we need more time to spend together. Sure venturing out to places as a family is fun and all, but there are those simple moments that happen in the comforts of your own home. One thing I am extremely grateful for is the fact that school doesn't resume until after Labor day so yes...I believe we will have more time to have more adventures. I have become a real fan of summer this year which is strange because I have always mentioned how fall is my favorite, but summer is beginning to surpass autumn just a little, and I have been loving my summers. I am not ready for the kids to go back to school yet. I know some parents will say, "I'm so ready for summer to be over", or "Can't wait until school starts". I am surprised at myself that I haven't uttered those words. No matter how many times I play referee to Chelsea and Noah I  have loved having them home. I know that those moments of annoying each other will pass, and that the love part eventually always comes in. Especially when they're being creative, and having fun. 

grammed quite a few photos that didn't make into the blog, or even on Facebook (which I'm hardly ever on), so I've decided to make a collage of what's happened throughout the month of July. I really wish all of my Facebook friends would post more on Instagram (or get an instagram) so that they can keep up with our current events, and vice versa. 

So far our summer has included a lot of reading, yoga, and movie watching. Naps (lots of them), story time with papa, and a lot of moments in our little backyard with our little blue pool. Bubble blowing, firefly catching (an old school favorite of mine), swinging at the park, and picnics. Little BBQ's in our tiny smokey joe, making smores, experiencing Chuck E Cheese for the first time in like a decades, and a game of loteria (because we're Spanish) to name a few. Beach trips, temple trips, and road trips including driving to upstate New York to see the Hill Cumorah pageant which is always a highlight of our summers. Brooklyn, Philly, and NYC are a must in the summertime too! Oh...and food! Lots, and lots of yummy food (including ice cream & yogurt shops) to eat!  I count my blessings everyday knowing that each day is a new day, and boy did each day in July fly by so fast! I'm so thankful for both the temporal and spiritual moments of our summer so far, and look forward to many more in August. But for now...I leave you with an overload of iPhone pictures from my overused Instagram account
Summers are always good to us, but this one has been a little different, but extra special. Call me sentimental, but I think it's because it's the first one we haven't had Sierra around. We have missed her terribly, and continue to miss her. Like all our kids she added her own ingredient to the mix. Life changes everyday, and the older my children get the more I appreciate things, and make the best out of every situation. Summer has treated us so good so far, and we look forward to many more outings, and simple pleasures in August. Hope y'all continue to have a wonderful summer, and that y'all have an amazing weekend! 
See ya July! 

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