I wish I would have had the D.A.R.E. program in my life while I was in elementary school. Not that I did any major drugs when I was younger, but I did hang around friends in middle school and high school that did. I thought that drinking was cool when I was a teenager...it wasn't. I thought that if I hung around those that drank and going to keg parties would make me popular...it didn't. I woke up and realized that I was heading down the wrong path. I count my blessings to have escaped that scene and to have turned my life around in saying "no". I want different for my children and am glad to know that the D.A.R.E. program is being enforced all over the country at a younger age.
Alexandra's D.A.R.E. graduation was nothing like I've ever seen. There were four fifth grade classes and they began the program with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. We had the mayor and an officer from our county talk to us about the history of D.A.R.E. The whole student body sang the D.A.R.E. song and recited the D.A.R.E. pledge:
"Taking a stand against drug abuse"
I know who I am and I know that I want to stay healthy and happy.
I can stand up for myself and stick to my decision to live a drug-free life.
I can ask for support from my family, friends, teachers and even the police.
I pledge to say "No" to offers to use drugs and alcohol.
I can help others say "No" to drugs and alcohol.
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