"I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you."~Gordon B. Hinckley

What a blessing it was to be able to attend the temple before Easter on Good Friday. It had been a while since we've been to the temple. It's not as easy to go as when we lived in Utah. When I received my endowment back in 2003, Jon and I made it a priority to attend the temple once a week...and we did. For three years before moving to North Carolina we went every single week! I was so spoiled in all the blessings I was receiving and became hooked on serving in the temple that I began to go twice a week! Once with my husband, and then I would go with a couple of my girlfriends. It was great and so convenient to live ten minutes from the Salt Lake Temple. I sure do miss those days of attending biweekly. I realized since moving to North Carolina back in 2006 that we would have to plan and make it an even bigger priority because the temple there was 75 minutes away from where we lived. I attempted to go once a month with sisters from my church. Now that we live in New Jersey, it's been a bit harder because my husband works more and it's not easy going during the school year when you have a two and a half hour commute. Still, we make an effort to attend as much as we can. We have two temples close by, one in Manhattan and one in Washington D.C. We love them both, but attend the one in D.C. more.
The temple has truly brought so much joy into my life. It rejuvenates my spirit, and it is a place where I can receive revelation for myself as well as bringing peace to my soul. It is a motivator for me to be a better person not only in the Lord's eyes, but in my children's and husbands as well. Sometimes I never want to leave. I want to bring my children in and dwell inside forever. Away from "the world". The temple isn't something I was raised with or taught about...so I really appreciate it and never take it for granted. I see a difference in my attitude when I haven't been for awhile. There are many reasons why one attends the temple. Mine is to be strengthened and to keep my family and marriage going strong.

The temple is also a sanctuary of service...where I know I am serving those who have passed on. I remember our first temple trip to D.C. back in 2007 when the girls were younger. I can't believe how fast time flies, and before you know it you have a teenager who is doing baptisms for the dead.
Washington D.C. Temple-2007
Washington D.C. Temple-2011
All my girls LOVE it when we attend the temple. They each have a goal of entering it one day to receive the full blessings it has to offer. It truly defines us as a family; for our goal is to be an eternal one and return back to our Heavenly Father's presence. How grateful I am to have a temple close by...no matter the distance.
*How far do you have to travel to get to an LDS temple?
*Are you curious as to what temples are all about?
That picture of you and Jon is so cute! I wish we lived closer to the temple, too. It was nice in Utah when it was just around the corner, just like you said!