Tuesday, January 15, 2019

19 & 14.

Today is Lexie and Chelsea's birthday, and I can't even bear the thought of not having Lexie here celebrating hers with us. For the past 13 years she has celebrated it with Chelsea, and now that she is 2000 miles is celebrating with her older sister. It makes me happy knowing that she will be spending it among good friends including her sister Sierra, and that makes me happy! Knowing that she's not celebrating it alone! 

Still. Having two girls born on the same day in different years is very rare especially when one doesn't plan on having an emergency c-section! Chelsea definitely wanted to share her birthday with Lexie, and being one day overdue caused her to come on Lexie's birthday! 
I have shared many of their celebrations on this little blog of mine, and as I was sharing some of the links such as this post I couldn't help but to tear up. How did these girls grow up? How is my middle child in her second semester of college, and how the heck is my baby girl 14! There is no way I can even imagine her being in high school in less than seven months, and Lexie being a sophomore in college this spring! 
Unbelievable, but I am so proud of these two as I am of all my girls. They are my joy, and bring me rays of sunshine on a dreary winter day. I'm so happy to have two winter babies which cheers me up during the season of coldness, and brown, bear trees! 

Happy birthday to my two wonderful girls! 

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