Tuesday, January 29, 2013

bloggies second birthday

Today marks the second year of blogging.

Two years!


When 2013 began I told myself I wouldn't be blogging as much, but after only blogging two posts in one week I literally felt the urge to write some more. I was obviously going through withdrawal thinking of all the things that happened throughout those days of skipping. I then regret it, and say to myself, "Is it worth blogging about something that happened last weekend, two weeks ago, 20 years ago, or 30 years ago?"

I say yes because you never know what thoughts are going through your brain that'll go straight to your typing fingers. I realized that there isn't something I can't leave out that has transpired on any given day (or year).

There are some days when I think to myself, "this isn't a blog worthy post or picture", but then I look at the moments of when it happened and then I look at all my children and see that they are growing up way too fast. I know then that I need to document, scrapbook, and write every part of their life in pen, and then some on my blog.

I love this little blog, and even though I don't get as many comments that's okay. Maybe someone should give me a 'shout out' so more people can read my blog. For those of you who peek in please don't be shy, and comment. I really love writing, and hope that I can uplift someone just as some blogs out there uplift me, and help me become more inspired.

See, there are days where I need a little pick me up that will make me laugh or give me a good cry. I know that as a member of the lds church I can easily pick up the scriptures and read, but seriously-I need to interact with my cyber friends too, and this is the place where I can do it.

Sometimes when I'm blogging Noah will be climbing on my chair looking at the pictures on various blogs, and he'll say 'baby', 'cars', and 'yummy' (food blogs). He'll even say, "that's me Noah" because I'm obviously blogging about him.

If my grammar isn't perfect, or I'm not contracting words, or having my editor proofread my post because she's in school all day... I'm going to blog & post anyway (sorry Sierra!)

I hope that y'all will continue to enjoy this blog because I will continue to write in hopes that you will be inspired, and give you the desire to keep visiting.

If you're into design, and a lot of crafts this isn't that kind of blog, but I do share a lot of links of crafty stuff because I roll like that! 

Please don't give up on my little blog. I know that there are so many blogs out there, and if you happen to stumble upon a harmonious combination please don't pass it up.

Read may be surprised as to what you'll be reading!

**You can read my first post here, and why I began this blog here.

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