Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy 1st year bloggerversary

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite."
One year ago today we finally bought our first 'real' computer', and I immediately started a blog. Sometimes I wish I would have started it when we moved to North Carolina nearly five years ago, but had no interest in technology, and didn't even know what a blog was until I got a Facebook account. I knew that 2011 was the perfect year to begin. I don't resent all the years of scrapbooking my kids lives, but I am grateful for the technology that allows me to document every single moment in detail of what goes on in our daily lives.

Although I keep a private journal that is brutally honest, (and when I die my kids are more than welcome to read all of them) I LOVE to write and share the stories of our lives on the web for everyone to read. I wasn't even nervous, or hesitant to expose pictures of my kids because of the faith that I have. The faith that I have in not thinking anything negative about the web. The faith that I have hoping that if just one person is reading it, and is uplifting them's all worth it. Although there are pros and cons to blogging, I feel fortunate to have experienced more positive things than the negative.

Positive things.

Some positive things about blogging is how much I have fun with it. I LOVE being able to share my faith with others. I love posting things that are spiritually uplifting, and accentuating the positive, more than the negative.  I love sharing my deepest thoughts, concerns, and even some of my childhood experiences that I survived & endured in which has made me the woman I am today. I am not afraid to share my life with the world, and I will continue to do so as long as I can.

I always do my best in updating my blog as much as possible. I don't want to be a seasonal blogger, and only blog when something important happens in my life. Each day is a miracle, and important to me. Every day I wake up looking forward to something that will give my life meaning that allows me to write about. There is always something to write about. Whether it's about my family, my faith, or just a streak of words with a picture that gives meaning.

No matter how busy I get, I never want to feel overwhelmed when it comes to blogging, and give up. Like my faith in the Lord...I don't ever want to give up on something that I have a passion for. I may not be a professional writer that pays me good money, but I give thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving me the courage, and for the talent that I have to be able to form thoughts in my head, immediately type them on my iPhone, or write them down on a piece of paper or my hand (if my phone & paper are not nearby), and start writing my heart out, hence documenting them on my blog.

After all...this is all being written mostly for my posterity, and you!
My main motivator for blogging are my children. It's also intended for all of my readers, plus it's great therapy for me! It always feels good to write. I look at the stats and see how many of you have visited from all over the world, and it makes me feel good to know that y'all are reading it. I wish I could do shout outs to every single one of you, and see how one particular reader from Colonia, NJ constantly visits my blog more than my family, and friends.

So whoever your are Mr. or Ms. Colonia....keep reading. I hope it's somehow uplifting your spirits and helping you get through your day. This statement goes out to the one who is reading this right now as well. Yes you...I hope that you will find comfort in my words, and through pictures. I hope that they will uplift you or make you laugh somehow. Even chuckle a bit.

Another thing...don't be afraid or shy to comment. I have been through so much in life that I really try not to let anything offend me. I think of the old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will NEVER hurt me." So please don't be afraid to comment.

I not only write for my sanity, but for you as well. This is what I am going to leave behind to my children, and eventually their posterity will read it, and so forth, and so on. 

Thank you for reading my blog!


  1. Happy bloggerversary BABE!!! love reading your thoughts.

    Love ya

  2. Thank you babe! I know you are my top follower! xoxo
