Wednesday, January 2, 2013

to do better in all things.

Since we rang in the new year I have been playing catch up with friends via Facebook, phone, email, found the time to put away the Christmas decorations, and took in the smell of winter at a nearby lake with my youngest daughter (still praying for some snow!)

We even got a late Christmas surprise by snail mail today! It's never too late to wish someone a Happy New Year, or to send out that late Christmas card.

I have been thinking a lot about my blog lately, and where it is headed. It'll be two years that I've had this little blog, and I have been giving some serious thought on continuing to write my life out in pen in hopes that sometime within the next ten years I'll utilize all my journals, and have it published into a book by a professional. For now I'll continue to document sweet nothings on this blog, and continue to brag about how well our children are doing in all that they do.

My main focus this year is to do better not only with myself, but with my health, my children, my better half, my thoughts, my actions, my state of mind, my spirituality, and in how to live my life as a normal, happy person.

I know that each year we say we want to change, and set goals, and we make all of these resolutions, but do we sincerely ever accomplish them. I think eventually we will. Whether it takes us a full year or 20 years. I pray that whatever I have written, and said in the past whether online or at a testimony meeting at church that my hope will increase to find the strength in attaining those goals.

I know that for some bringing up the past can be hurtful, and unnecessary, but in my case there are a few things that I'd like to write regarding my childhood, and my teenage years all the way up until I became a member of the LDS church.

For those of you who don't know me or who never really knew me, or who just met me within the past seven years...I think you are going to find out a lot more about my life this year. So brace yourselves with what's to come.

As y'all know I have a daughter leaving for college in the fall, and when you (and your child) go through the steps, and stress that are entailed when one prepares for college your life changes. Navigating the mothership is not always easy, but in the end it'll all be worth it.

When you have a child near the age of 40 your whole perspective changes as well, and when you start a blog you try to figure out where it's going to take you.

I feel that my attitude in life is changing for the better. Better because I have recognized that I will never be perfect, better because I have accepted everyone unconditionally no matter how one has treated me, better because I have made the choice to not allow anything to damage my spiritual side.

With numerous blog conferences out there I am willing to attend one this year to see what I can learn, and where my writing will take me. For now I am enjoying sharing some of our life's precious moments with you, and will continue to do so.

I am looking forward to each day of this year, and hope that I myself will continue to learn from the life that I live as well as writing about all the days of our life.

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