Friday, January 22, 2016

Peace & Love: It All Starts In The Home.

It's amazing to see the different personalities in each of my daughters, and Noah. Although they are all different they have so many similarities. One similarity is that they all have the capacity to be filled with love, joy, and compassion. And for the most part they are. I hope that I have been the best example I can be, for them to continue to strive to keep those attributes because in this day and age its so important to live it. 

Last Sunday in Relief Society we were taught about what it means to be at peace. How to feel it, and how to look for it. I know that living a gospel centered life focused on Christ has helped me through my darkest moments. I see the happiness that lies in my children's eyes when they turn to God for support, and guidance. I find that when they are amidst some kind of difficulty they will seek Him. Of course there are times when they'll call, or come to us to vent for support, but for the most part they realize that turning to God for guidance is never a failure, because He is always there to listen. And if they know that, they will feel it, develop a strong testimony of it, and always use that tool as a solace. In spite of all the turmoil that life throws at us I always find ways to feel at peace, and to center myself around goodness. Teaching my children true principles of the gospel, and how Christ taught us about "peace" saves me an extra lesson on teaching my kids "how not to be." Yet, I still advise them how to behave around others, and how to treat each others whether it's family or friends. Even strangers. Being kind, finding peace, and being "peaceful" truly is a choice, and we are the ones to decide if we want to be peaceful, or miserable. 

This year we are studying the life of Howard W. Hunter, and in one of his lessons he said...

"The world in which we live, whether close to home or far away, needs he gospel of Jesus Christ. It provides the only way the world will ever know peace. We need a more peaceful world, growing out of more peaceful families, neighborhoods and communities to secure, and cultivate peace, "we must love others, even our enemies, as well as our friends." We need to extend the hand of friendship. We need to be kinder, more gentle, more forgiving, and slower to anger." 

As much as these kids will bicker, pick, disagree, annoy, they always find a way to make amends, and to be at peace with each other as siblings. If they've ever disagreed with friends, they try really hard to not involve contention. One thing I notice about my girls is that they don't like to be drawn to drama, nor do they enjoy it. It's something that they try to stay away from. For the most part they have been pretty lucky in finding ways to escape the petty world of drama, and surviving the conflicts that they've experienced with friends. And always find ways to make amends. I know that they are guided by a loving Heavenly Father, and so far my two oldest daughters "get it." They always, always make the choice to find time to put God in their lives, and when they are at peace with themselves, and with each other, their days look like this...
And it makes me so happy! Sure am going to miss these moments, and once Sierra comes home from her mission there will be more memories to make! 

And so I'll end this post with a scripture...

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

I hope that we can all find peace among the calamities of life, and that we will pass this on to our children. What a wonderful guide we have to find that peace. We find it in the scriptures, and kneeling in prayer. May we all someday reach that level of of peace, so that others can feel of our genuine love at heart. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

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